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Dylan Nguyen, Baltimore's Hero


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All Baltimore Hockey Teams have retired number 19 in honor of Defensemen Dylan Nguyen.


Dylan Nguyen has revived the spirit of the city and given hope to all Baltimore hockey fans. In honour of him and how he's revived the city, the Orioles, Ravens, and Baltimore Bantam Teams have retired his number as well as the University of Maryland. "Honestly, Dylan deserves it," said Ryuu Crimson, teammate of Dylan and possibly Dylan's biggest fan. "I am so proud of him and he has empowered the city of Baltimore and revived the energy."

Dylan Nguyen, for those who didn't know, is a defensemen who played for the Saskatoon Wild, the Halifax 21st and is soon to play for the Riga Reign. One day we hope for him to play here in Baltimore, playing in his hometown, wearing the beloved number 19. "The VHL or some league should give us a team so that we can see the second Bobby Orr play here at home."


Ryuu Crimson and the legend himself, Dylan Nguyen, are coming with some teammates and other hockey players from the AHL to play some exhibition games in Baltimore, to which Baltimore is going crazy about. Baltimore has blown up with #ComeHomeNguyen. If Dylan loses the game, I am afraid that Baltimore will pull a Vancouver and basically destroy a city.


But, the only important thing is that we might not see 19 worn by anyone in a game in Baltimore.


Well, not until Dylan comes home.


@Dtayl is Dylan if y'all are wondering

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