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Jagger Philliefan's Rumored Endorsement Deal


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Per a source close to Jagger Philliefan, the up-and-coming young defenseman has signed a one-year long endorsement deal with a major brand. With the requirement in place for every brand to have multiple VHLM representatives, Jagger was a no-brainer to accept a deal sooner or later. It appears the deal is on the lowest end of the endorsement spectrum, around $250k, though it surprises no one that the humble Pennsylvania native would take a small deal to allow for a better team to compete with during the Brand Tournament. It appears that the negotiations were rather speedy, with a source claiming the two parties came together on a monetary amount and term within a single counter-offer. The most surprising part of the deal is the term, as Philliefan has been an extremely loyal player throughout his career and looks to be continuing his habits into his VHLM days, having already come out and stated his intentions to elongate his VHLM career as much as possible. While the young defenseman may be loyal to a fault, he has put himself in a great position moving forward, both on and off the ice.


Update: We can now confirm the brand with which Philliefan signed was Jolt Juice.


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