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Randoms RP


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Name: Randoms

Height: 6'8''

Weight: 250 lbs.

Birthplace: somewhere in Latvia


Do we need to introduce this...dude? Or a robot? It's certain that Latvian engineers kinda failed to make a relevant copy of Ky and AIM-11 (another robotic player that had a promise, but faded away). But hey, I assume they were good enough to build a thing that going to work for more than one season. It managed to spend a whole season in Las Vegas and is about to make a debut in Quebec. Ok, now about it's strength and flaws.





1. Good power forward. Actually these engineers had some other player in mind when they were creating this piece of stick-holding iron. That player probably was Guntis Petenis - he also was a good checking player. So they already managed to build a robot that could put bodies into the board. In this season it managed to do that more than 300 times which is pretty impressive.


2. Decent all around. It don't care what to upgrade. Checking, penalty shot or defence - it does the upgrade with the help of random.org site. So far, it is having a good checking, puck handling and some defence skills. Looking forward to see more skills being upgraded.


3. Consistent worker. It certainly isn't the hardest worker out there (I mean, the 24th pick), but which could be good for Quebec is that this ''guy'' isn't missing it's weekly upgrading sessions. Sometimes it does more, sometime it does less. But still, Randoms is consistent and looks like we will see this for a long time.





1. A robot...? Yeah, you're correct. And this means that we're seeing no soul, no entertaiment and other thing that humans are doing. So that also means it is boring to see him on the ice. Yes, he does a checking job very well, but it doesn't entertains us.


2. Not too much all around? It does a bit of everything, but isn't excelling at one particular skill. That's not the way how to become a superstar. At this point, Randoms is more of a power forward, but will be that enough to leave a mark in the big league? I'm not sure.


3. Is this for the long time? We mentioned that it could, but is this certain? It can become rusty or just can fall apart cause the engineers couldn't build Randoms properly. This is what the VHL GM's need to consider if they want to take a shot at this player. Looks like Quebec's GM is pretty confident in this creation, at least Keaton Louth had the courage to draft Randoms. The fourth line hero incoming?



This rookie profile about the robot named Randoms is coming to and end. We mentioned that this creation is too boring, but it also might be unpredictable. Like nobody knows if it can hold for all 8 seasons or Randoms will just gonna fall apart even before the game 1 of S64. So let's just take a seat, relax and you will know the answer to this question sooner than later.


8 TPE goes to Randoms.

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