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Finn Davison on upcoming draft


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With the S65 draft upcoming, the HC Davos Dynamo have 2 first round picks at the Number 2 pick and the Number 6 pick. The UK Goaltender, Finn Davison is excited as his team had a rough year, but a bright future ahead. We had a chance to catch up with Finn Davison where he had this to say:



"I really hope that we do not end up taking another goalie, I cannot do that again and split time. I want this to be me between the pipes, I told everyone to take a chance on me, I am happy that HC Davos did. I really hope they are happy with their decision to pick me."


Now, we had a chance to sit down with him to discuss some of the players that are in the draft, people that stood out to him and impressed him, this is what he had to say:



"Obviously, Carles Puigdemont is someone that interests me. He had a fantastic year and as a fellow Ottawa alum, I really connect with those guys. I love nothing more than to catch up with another Ottawa guy. I am not going to lie to you, one guy that has really impressed me is Dallas Jones. I love the look of that defender. He is a guy that I can really trust. I had a chance to talk to Dallas, we had a great conversation. I am not sure if our leadership had a talk with him or if he is even on the radar, but this guy is going to be a stud. I joke, but if I were GM, I would not hesitate taking him. But then again, maybe there is a reason why I am not GM. Gritty is another guy that is a little weird in the locker room, but does great things on the ice. Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen is the last guy I will mention. Another defenseman to stop the firing range. These guys are interesting. I'd love to see a couple guys on the team come the draft."


Not being part of management, he has no idea what will be next or where the team will go. He is impressed by this draft, without question. Tune into next week! 

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