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Impact game 1


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Its not often a player comes into the league and makes a statement game 1. No we aren't talking about on the score sheet. However, the physical impact Evgeni Komarov took it to another level and its left teams scared to line up against the rookie defender. In the 3rd period of the game the rookie took offense to Ryan Sullivan Jr mocking the newly minted franchise, destroying him with a hip check that left him lying on the ice for awhile. Though he did return Komarov was ejected for intent to injure after he started throwing fists and Ylonen who tried to defend his team mate though it was a sad attempt.


He has made an impact so far leading the league, in PIMs. Is 4th in plus minus, with 15 hits, and 4 shots blocked in 4 games. His game continues to grow and so does the fear to coming in to playing the Menace, the star so far has been goalie Justin Cole. Who has been the backbone of the team, and looks like he could be the makings of a franchise HOF goalie in his first 4 games. 

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