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  • So there's a "memorandum" on whether Boubabi should be unbanned or not. Don't really want to get into that whole thing since it's already been covered on the site and on Discord, but as of when this is posted, it's currently 40% yes and 60% no. However, I think it's very, very telling that of the 20 yes votes (compared to 31 no votes), only 4 of them at most (Higgins, IR, Robbie, and I want to say FBR?) were around when he was here. Of the 31 no votes, at least 10 of them came from members who were here when Boubabi was.
  • My shooting percentage has plummeted to a much more realistic (but still high) 17% or something similar to that. As a result, my point totals have slowed way down, and I'm out of the top 10 for points for a defenseman. However, I believe I still lead all D in goals.
  • Davos is still outside of the playoffs looking in, but it seems like we've had an absurd number of 1 goal losses this season. Still could get in, but I would say we're more likely to miss than make the playoffs at this point. 
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