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The other skating


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First I know what you're thinking "Skateboarding in a VHL.com article?!" well that's what this article is about so sit back buckle up and drop in to a little article about the sport. 


Mac is a new player within the VHLM league and yes he is enjoying playing in the VHLM however in the evenings when Mac has time to wind down after training or a match he likes to head down to the local skatepark and get working on his kickflip, shuvits and heels, he may not be particularly good right now but he is determined to master the plank of wood that glides on the ground under is feet, making sure to avoid the little stones that send him flying every once in a while. Lately he has been working on his boardslides and 50-50's, which he describes as one of the more satisfying aspects of his life, he hopes to one day be able to land some air tricks with grabs which you may recognise from watching skaters such as Tony Hawk. 

Mac describes the sport as relaxing and almost meditative allowing him to clear his head and think about things in his life while learning to land some sweet tricks.

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