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Palo starts with a bang


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Last round before the finals started yesterday, Vancouver is playing against Toronto - it has been an entertaining first few days in that series! The first game was played on Vancouver's home ice, that game ended 5-4 for the Wolves, the first star of the game was Vancouver center Rauno Palo who scored three goals! Rauno himself commented on the game in his Instagram with the following quote:




Nice to start the series with a win! Personally, this has been a dream start, getting off like that is a huge confidence boost and can even carry my game into great things when we go further in the series. The main reason behind such a solid performance is getting to see my girlfriend before game one. Our general manager set strict rules for players in the playoffs: Keep spending time with the wives at minimum, so I have not seen my wife for some time, but the GM failed to mention girlfriends, so managed to have the perfect preparation for game one. Just kidding, I don´t have a girlfriend or a wife. Was nice to score 3 goals though.





Series continues again today, games three and four are home games for Vancouver, big games and could even be the difference makers!



Edited by jRuutu
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