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Victor Talib Announces Switch to Hockey, Seeks Guidance


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All-Around Athlete Talib Makes Decision to Pursue Professional Hockey

Victor Talib was a star high school athlete in a variety of sports. He dominated the football field in the fall, turned heads on the basketball court all winter, and would break records on the track each spring. So it would come as a surprise to many when the prized recruit suddenly made the switch to the rink. In a short exclusive interview, Talib revealed what motivated him to switch cleats for skates.

Talib: "The question I've been hearing all summer since I made my decision is: why hockey? And to be honest, I can't really tell you the truth. I know nothing about the sport. Never played a minute in a hockey game, never even really watched professional matches. And I think that all together is why I wanted so badly to go pro in the sport. I love challenges. I'm motivated to be great in whatever I do. So the idea of stepping into the cold world of hockey just appealed to me. Do I know what's next for me? Absolutely not. And in that sense, I need some help. In basketball the plan was attend whatever school I wanted, same with football and track. But man, I don't even know how the hockey leagues work. So whether it's a developmental league, college, or straight to the pros, I just hope that my reputation as a hard worker in other sports is enough to get my hockey career started."

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Cool to see the different sports that Talib is also involved in. Good article that will allow readers to know more about your player. Looking forward to seeing you in the big leagues

Edited by HughJas_
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