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Mistakes might have been made


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So, the Seattle Bears are the cup champs. A team that was looking to bring Orion in last off season and I didn’t think they had the talent. Well look at me now. Three seasons in a row that I have failed to win a cup. With my last player ever. The one player I planned to win many cups with, only has one. Why is that? Have I lost my touch to pick out the champs? I used to be so good at that. Now I have hitched my horse to the Titans and only got one cup out of it. Shitty end of the stick? Some might think that, and others probably laugh.


Now I must quickly point out that this is not me asking Seattle to sign me in the off season. They clearly have a plan and it fucking worked. They may not even want to have a player going into their 5th season that hasn’t done shit all. Other then a cup in their rookie season.


But if this isn’t a pitch to the champs to sign me, then what in the holy shit is this? Why am I posting this? Is it just write something long enough to get the 6 points? Is it that simple? Sometimes with me yes, it is. Sorry but this league is not important to me. Hell, these days it’s even less important to me. So, I am literally going through the motions of my last player ever. Which sucks for the player that I wanted to go out with a massive bang. But it seems like he will ride off into the night as someone quickly forgotten.


I will try my best to stay active till the end but who knows if that is possible. With work, family and just general interest. Orion is almost at 600 TPE which isn’t a laughable amount but not great. Whoever he plays for next season, has to complement his style of play and most importantly have a great shot at the cup. If I knew that the team that he was signing with was the favorite to win, it would make me more active around here because I would have something to gloat about and rub in your faces. But since it was a roller coaster ride of season Helsinki this year, I just lost interest.


Having said that, it’s not the GM or the team’s fault. You cannot predict what will happen in the sim on a good day. So, it’s just how the cookie crumbles. But now that I am closer to the end Orion and my time here, I have a lot less cookie to crumble. The last few seasons I have a bunch of planned MS’s about the past and other things planned. I also soon will be starting my overall retirement speech. Something I plan on dragging on for a few seasons. Something that I am looking forward to. Would it be great to win a few more cups? Sure. Would it be great to carry out my plans for Orion? Yep damn straight and what I have planned for his last season will be a spectacle of itself. I guess what I am trying to say is that stay tuned because it should be a wild ending to a fucking great story. Not just for Orion, but for me.

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On 11/3/2019 at 8:04 PM, BluObieZ said:

But it seems like he will ride off into the night as someone quickly forgotten.

I'll remember when you tore up the VHLM in my 1st season on this site. Hope you can get some more cups before you leave. 

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