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It's been a while since a Orion Slade movie hit the big screen, mostly because production wanted to put way too much into a two hour film. Well you are in luck, the next Orion Movie which the title of has been a closely kept secret, will be the longest on yet. When asked about the movie, Producer and Director Robbie Zimmers said that "The movie is one epic ride. We had some last second issues with a villain that now has a much smaller role in the movie, but that's what happens when you want to dick around and be a little bitch that caters to others. The movie it's self is the best production that I have put on and it will make you want more. But if I do another one, it will be hard to live up to this one. This may actually be the last ever "Robbie Movie" which also includes shows. So enjoy this one, since it may just be the last time you actually enjoy anything in your little meaningless life" If that does not hype you up for the movie, then you are sad sack and dumb ass that wouldn't know anything good even if it walked up to you and smacked you.  

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