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Claimed:Mike McGrattan Biography

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Full Name: Mike McGrattan
Position: RW
Age: 18
Handedness: Left

Jersey Number: 77
Height (inches): 78
Weight (lbs.): 240
Birthplace: Munich/Germany



Mike McGrattan was born in Munich on the 3rd of May 1996. His parents Simone and Jarome both lived in Munich their whole live. Simone was working at the office of the famous car builder BMW. Jarome was a soccer player for the hometown soccer club Blue White Munich. As a child Mike went to play soccer every day in the cities great munich park. He spend most of his time in goal. Later his life will turn into a real hockey life (you will read about it in his rookie-story later).


He went to a little school called Franz-Beckenbauer-School until he was eleven. In Germany there is another school system like the one in North America. You went to "Grundschule" the first four years. Than you can choose between "Hauptschule" (easy), "Realschule" (medium) or "Gymnasium" (hard).


(Franz Beckenbauer - The Kaiser)

Mike went to the Karl-Heinz-Rummenige Realschule after he has left the "Grundschule". He was a very diligent pupil with good grades in most of the school subjects. His favourite subject in school was mathematic. Maybe this will help him to get good contracts in the future ;) . He left this school at the age of 16 and had an average grading of 2,1 on his last school certificate. Thats a very good average because in Germany 1 is the best grade and 6 the lowest.


After school and before he went to the VHLM he made an apprenticeship as a cabinet-maker in a little family company named "Meister Eder Holzbau". There he not only learned to build cabinets and furniture. No, he learned the building of his own hockeysticks too. After the succesfull exam for this job three weeks ago he went to North America.



(This desk was made by McGrattan for his exam)


Waiting for the draft and the start of his carreer....




Pros and Cons

In the biography i will show you the pros and cons how Mike McGrattan is as a human. His hockey skills will be evaluated in his rookie story later....





Mike is a very faithfull young man. If he likes something or someone he never will let him down. Money isn´t everything in McGrattans young life. He doesn´t like to move from place to place. Maybe thats why he never leaved Munich before. He could have travelled the world with his father and his soccer club, but that wasn´t his nature. He liked it in Munich very much and his friends and family there.



Not only as a pupil Mike is a very diligent human being. His effort is mostly at 100% or over that. He never stops working hard on everything he does. If training or school was over, Mike was learning and training after that for his own. Because of that he has got that good grades as a pupil and skills as a hockey player.



There are not much things out there who can get Mike in rage. Only if his favourite soccer team loses you can see him with a big red head running around. Most of the time he is very quiet. He is a very good listener like all of his teachers and coaches said until now. They all predict him a great career if he moves along like he did all the time before.




(MUNICH - Home of the McGrattans)





Mike is diligent, patient and faithfull. But at the other hand he is very bullheaded. If he has his opinion its very hard to change it. His father saw that he was a very good hockey player but a very bad soccer goalie. It took months and years to change his mind that he will not become a popular a great soccer goalie but a great hockey player.



Because his Grandpa Udo was a banker mike learned very early how he has to handle with money. He saved his money wisely but sometime he looks to much after it. Money isnt everything in this life and thats a lesson Mike McGrattan still has to learn. Maybe he will learn it at his first contract negotiations in the VHLM. This is a money market but you have to feel fine where you want to play. Money can make life easier but not make you happy alone.



Because his father and his mother had very good jobs and he raised in the great city of munich Mike never had to something to grump over. He has no brothers and sisters and so he always was the star of the family. He ever had good grades and sportive he was at the top. Because of that some people think Mike is a little braggart. Maybe it will be better if he is the first time away from home and has to compete with other great talent in North America or Europe.



Please be patient with my grammar and spelling. I know my english isnt the best :-)

Edited by Flames1848
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  • Senior Admin

Overview- 3/3 

832 words. One of the shorter biographies I have seen, but I think you did a decent job of fitting in what you needed to. You gave us a quick look at his family, how he was brought up, where he went to school, and how he ended up in the VHLM.

Grammar- 1.25/2 

I took it easy on you here, as obviously English isn't your first language. This was very good, though, so don't get discouraged or anything by the amount of things I put down. They say English is by far the hardest language to learn, and you certainly have a good grasp on it. I mostly put down the major/obvious spelling and grammar mistakes, but there were quite a few technical issues as well (i.e. commas). Just keep working on it and you'll be earning full marks in no time. We can be lenient here in your bio, as it is really your first task worth points, but in the future it's only fair we hold everyone to the same standards. 


soccer club Blue = soccer club, Blue


live = lives


spend = spent


great munich park = Great Munich Park


In Germany there is another school system like the one in North America. = In Germany, there is a different school system than the one in North America.


Later = Later,


successfull = successful


carreer = career


got that good grades = gotten good grades


faithfull = faithful


mathematic = mathematics  



Presentation- 1/1 

Looks good. Pictures, formatting. You've got enough here.

Pros- 2/2 

215 words. Sounds like Mike has some very good qualities here. Teams are always looking for loyal players, and it sounds like Mike might be able to fill that role.

Cons- 2/2 

252 words. Sounds like Mike has a very, well, interesting personality. Hopefully his ego doesn't get in the way of his future in the VHL.

Overall- 9.25/10

Edited by Draper
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Content: 3/3 - Interesting story here for McGrattan. It's different than others stories we've seen here. You seem like a promising player and member to this league, and I'm glad to see people with initiative to get their name put out there. Good luck in the upcoming season!


Grammar: 1.50/2 - Being raised by immigrant parents, I can understand how hard English is to learn. Draper covered all of your mistakes, but I'm going to be a bit more lenient on the grammar here. In time, even just through writing more media spots, you'll see what mistakes to avoid in the future. It was a great effort.


Presentation: 1/1 - Could've been organized a bit better but good overall.


Pros: 2/2 - Hockey players shouldn't just be skilled, but mental strength also goes a long way.


Cons: 2/2 - Many hockey players are humble and soft spoken. We could use a hot head like McGrattan.  :lol:


Overall: 9.50/10


Final: 9/10

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