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I just had a recent idea that I think it might be quite a possible idea, I think most of the people are familiar with the tournament WJ it is basically a world tournament and right now there is just one, and I thought that maybe the comissioners could create a VHLM type of competition for that league, I mean, they could get the ones who are doing the best or the ones with a higher TPE in the VHLM and do the WJ. I think that it would be enjoyable for the players of the VHLM as they can be included a bit more into this society, or we can divide the WJ by ages, as in real life of some sports, I mean, make a under 18 tournament, etc... This idea might take a lot of time but I think it could really be worth it. I think that also something that lot's of people would like is to make other tournaments apart from the Cup, I think that making the offseason longer but that the teams could enroll in some tournaments for preparing themselves for the regular season, and so the GM's can see how the team is working, I also think that they could do for the WJ is a special recruitment, I mean this is also an idea for the regular season but that GM's can have apart from a AGM a very specific team of recruiting, this may be not possible because of the lack of people, I might be getting it wrong, it's just and idea. I think also that anyone could make press conference when a draft is about to come up, when a player is doing extremelly well in his league, I mean very especifical questions directly for just one player, like a Q & A. 
I have another idea that this could might solve some of the inactive player situation, and that is implementing in the system that if a player doesn't upload any requests for TPE in a certain number of weeks, the comissioners might take off TPE points of their stats and if they were inactive for a certain amount of time they will have time to catch up.


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You're talking about World Juniors? We have that. It's simmed mid-season iirc, same as the real one.


Your other suggestions would be far too time-consuming to implement, at first glance anyways.

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