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Julius Freeman moves into his house.


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After a rough loss in the first round Julius Freeman could not rest much at the start of his offseason since he had movers coming in a few days. What was once going to be something that he just had movers take care of turned into something that could calm him down and help him try and decompress from the rough loss to Seattle. He took the time to pack all his own boxes because the loss was so rough it helped him to get back to basics and look at things that make him happy. In the packing he found yearbooks from his school days where he can see some of his earlies teammates and remember when life was simpler. He found his first pair of skates that he used to use almost every day. He found a lot of old trinkets that allowed him to move past the loss and realize life is much more than hockey but it is an accumulation of all that is in a person and what happens to them. All in all the move did wonders for Freeman and allowed him to reset and hopefully next season he can do some great things for his team and his teammates.

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