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Freeman on this season and hopes


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Every season comes with its own challenges. For Julius Freeman and for this season the challenge of this season will end of being his legacy. This season marked the first season where he is starting his decline. Freeman is good enough that he hasn't lost too much of his abilities but not everyone in his draft class share that same fate. In my opinion, what separates the great players and the good players is the tail end of their career. I wish Freeman a monster rookie year but when you have so many great players in your rookie class it is hard to show what you are in your rookie campaign unless you are basically on a bad team. Julius, however, was not on a bad team rather on a team competing every year for the cup. In his rookie season, he helped his team make it to the finals falling short.

Freeman even though he was a great player and a first-line starter since he was drafted he never had a breakthrough season where he was called by everyone the best player in any season. In his sophomore season, he helped his team make the finals and win the whole cup. this would be a great feather in his cap but when you look at the team that seasons its hard to say if he did much other than just his job. He was good but not great in that series. Freeman worked hard but he had some of the best players in the league playing with him in the season he won the cup.

In season 69 Freeman even won an award for getting the most goals in the entire league but the problem with the award is that there have been a large dup in scoring that season. It's like saying he was the best in one of the worst scoring seasons ever. When you look at the accomplishment in terms of what other great players have gotten then it doesn't look like he is a good as some of them. This will probably be one of the biggest knocks on Freeman in his career. In his best season in comparison to the rest of the league, he came up to the top but that top is one of the worst in the history of the VHL. 

Even in his current season of S71, he is currently on pace for 48 Goals which is only 4 Goals better than when he won the award for most goals in a season. Honestly, when you look at S68 and the best goal scorer of that season you see a legend of Matt Thompson. Maybe it is not great to look at him as a benchmark due to the fact that he is one of the best in recent memory. But it is hard not since Freeman is the same position as the great Matt Thompson. Who knows if Freeman will live up to some of the best LW in history and end up in the hall with them but he will try his best to live up to what that position could be and hopefully give his team another cup or two.

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