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The Tall Tale of Gainer2


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The Tall Tale of Gainer 2


If you are wondering to yourself, what is the craziest scenario that I could possibly think of right now, what would it be? A betta fish uprising? A meteor hitting earth? A giant figure such as Galactus from Marvel Comics coming to earth and drink all our oceans through a straw like someone trying to get the last little bit of soda from a can? Ok, maybe that last one was a little much, so here’s one that actually happened last week. A junior hockey player got in the ring against a gopher mascot from the prairies who shares his namesake. Pretty crazy right? Even crazier is the fact the gopher one. However, we can neither confirm nor deny that John Cena may have been inside the costume. When asked about the fight, Joseph Gainer of the Hounds had this to say, “Obviously, the goal was the to raise money for the hospital here in town, so I’m glad we were able to raise as much as we did.” When he was further pressed on the outcome of the fight, Joseph Gainer had this to say. “I mean you always want to win. So, I’m definitely looking for a rematch if that gopher is up to it. If we can raise more money for charity, then that’s all the better. Ultimately, we will have to see what the league and club say about it.” Meanwhile in Regina, Gainer the Gopher celebrated his win with a grandeur victory ticker tape parade, the likes of which the country has not seen since Lord Stanley’s Cup made its last visit to the six in 1967. Both sides have expressed willingness for a rematch. But for now we sit and await a decision.


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