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How to Fix Recruitment!


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The Fix of Recruitment! The VHL!

            Hello everyone, I am here to introduce a new and improved idea to creating the VHL to become the best sim league in the world! First off, I want to thank my sponsors at Dollar Shave Club – use promo code pennypenny for 10% off your next purchase!


            The VHL is a fickle creature that has had a lot of adaptations over the years – as well as many personalities come and go throughout the passage of time. Penny is one of the biggest personalities in the VHL, and yet he still secures his position in being here every time he writes up his last-minute media spots. The whole idea of the VHL was to create a sim league that is inviting and engaging to the consumer – and allows for a fun and enjoyable time for everybody involved! Therefore, I personally believe to secure that engagement we have had over the years and further it; we must start putting down some real ground rules. Recruitment first off, needs a bit more incentive. The whole purpose of recruiting to people who are competitive in this league is solely for extra TPE. You can see TP whores like McWolf or Gorlab if you look closely to the side. When the recruit has 50 TPE, the individual who recruited him sees 1 TP. 250 becomes 5, and 500 becomes 15.


            15 TPE from someone who had to earn 500 TPE. It is a ridiculous amount – isn’t it? Well, let us look at it from the perspective of a usual season lasting 2 months, and welfare/practice facility being considered. The recruit does NOT care about being in the VHL for the purpose of this example and will only invest 250 TPE. Every week without effort, you can claim 6 TP from Practice Facility and Welfare. 24 TP in a month. A welfare player reaches 50 TPE by 5 weeks with minimal effort in anything else. That is 1 TPE to the recruiter. Well for the next 200 TPE that the recruit must earn, it will take him 33 WEEKS to earn. By that time, the recruiter’s player is retired. So, what do we do here? What gives? Well, I will tell you what.


            The player recruiting the recruit should receive instead of TPE, an allowance of $$$ per 100 TPE the recruit gets. Say, a million. If we are not going to allow for extreme builds of players anymore, and we are preventing players from reaching high TPE from uncapped TPE, why do not we just reward these TPE whores with dosh!

            Think about it, my man Gorlab hits a lick every night before he goes to bed – right? Imagine how much money he could earn if every time he hit a lick; he had a recruit. Now, just because he is a man involved in the dabbling of marijuana does not stop his cause – because with these recruits he gathers, he can now afford certain skills and assets that will help him along the way. Did I mention the recruitment $ is separate from your regular shop? We have a new recruitment shop too! Inside is capped TPE opportunities, uncapped double/triple prediction points, position changes, name changes, leadership, and all these other little things that people may not actually put their money into. Now you have got these players who originally would never ever buy a triple for prediction points, finally going out and using it. This can allow for extreme player builds – but at the same time, not being too overpowered.


            Take it into consideration fellas. Make the VHL great again! Let us implement a recruitment shop and allow for these shop items that are rarely bought to be bought. Depreciation is all people save up for. Let us put an end to that and change the recruiting/recruit a friend system over to a money shop.


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