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The VHLM Season Wrapping Up (Also I hate you KSI)


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The VHLM Season Wrapping Up


            Well, with the season popping off, and near its final day in the regular season – the VHLM has seen some real spectacles in the players. The Ottawa Lynx were absolutely the best team this year, with two forwards that put up ridiculous numbers. Can you guess who these two were? That is right, none other than the two men putting up the mega numbers all year: Penisson and Syreck. Absolute monsters these two are.

I am in absolute awe.


                Anyways, you thought this was going to be about the best players this year. Wrong. It is time to pay attention to the shitters for once. Houston managed to dig itself out of a hole, and shove Mississauga and ugly Mexico City down there – disgusting. Mexico City even had players like KSI, and James Rose on their team – and they did awful. KSI is an internet phenomenon who swept the internet by storm with his funny FIFA videos, and his transition into rapping and regular commentaries. The fact that he is playing hockey now is disgraceful to the sport. You’re allowing a man who’s never stepped onto a patch of ice in his life to play in a hockey league? He put up 14 goals and 20 assists, but this man is pure sweat. Worse year than last year too, SHAMEFUL.


            This is now a KSI hate post. I hate you KSI and I hope you never ever make it into the VHL. You’re an absolute disgrace, and you should be ashamed for what you’ve done in your time with the VHLM.

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