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Good evening, you are listening to Late Night with Tim and Marty, my name is Tim. Let me ask you a question, what to do when people around you have unrealistic expectations, how can you plan for the future when you are pulled into the wrong direction? Those questions will hopefully be answered today, joining the discussion via phone we have professional hockey player Jim Bob of the Helsinki Titans, welcome Bob!


JB: Thanks guys.


T: Since you are a hockey player, you must feel the pressure to act in a certain way, tell us little about that.


JB: I´m still new to the game, but you know it´s tough. A lot of people hear my name and automatically think I´m some kind of scholar and a deep thinker. Without giving any names, but I remember this one game against a certain team, during a commercial break I was skating to our bench when I heard someone yell: ´If you are so smart, why don´t you do a belly slide on the ice?´. I looked over and it was the opposite team's head coach yelling that to me, who yells abuse to a fresh-faced rookie?


M: Hey Jim, Marty here. I just want to say that your story sounds awful, I know you did not want to say the team's name, but I think it´s obvious who it was, Riga and their belly sliding competitions gather more views per year in Latvia than porn videos. The top belly sliders are treated like heroes over there, not the first time hearing Riga is doing things differently, so to speak.



Latvian athlete practicing for an upcoming belly sliding competition


I want to ask a question about Helsinki, do you feel you are forced into a certain mold, Finland as a nation is not stereotypically an outspoken or warm nation, what's it like over there?


JB: Not really, I can be who I am when I´m just by myself out here, but like you said Finland is not the friendliest place at first, I struggled a little bit when I moved to Helsinki, people keep their distance and sometimes you truly feel alone, but the guys in the team are great. Somebody could take teammates almost forcing that you teach them your backhand saucer passes as a negative thing, but I take it as a compliment.


Management and coaches are great as well, I feel they want what is best of me, I remember early in the season the coaches wanted me to stop hitting all the time, they wanted that I  use more of my god-given talent to dish the puck, but they can´t tame me just like that, beneath the smart looks and extreme skill is a wild Albanian who likes to play old school hockey.


T: One more question, if you could give any advice to people out there who might feel they are in a bad situation, what would you say?
JB: All I can say is that whenever I´m feeling down and sad, I go watch fox videos on Youtube, those silly things are adorable.


T: T-thanks Jim.
JB: Thank you.


M: Let's take a quick break and then weather, but don´t go anywhere, after the break you can call into the studio, we might answer or we might not, stay tuned.


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