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You would think that a player with no team would kind of just fuck off and not poke his head around. Well... You would be wrong! Orion Slade while not around as much as you would call a person who is "active" but he still is around to make you know that he is here to piss you off. Orion lately has been locked down in Las Vegas due to the shitty Covid-19 that is fucking up every ones lives. But being locked down is different compared to you going crazy in your little house going crazy. Orion Slade since he has no more hockey to play, has made the most of his lock down. How? Well continue reading you dumb shit. This will be five hundred fucking words so you know for a fact that you will be finding out.


First off, he is "holed up" at the Bellagio Hotel Villa Suite which he had booked for six months. Something that he did prior to all this mess. But you would think that he would go crazy if he cannot go to the strip bars and gamble but that is where you are wrong. You take away the clubs, casinos and everything else that Vegas has to offer Orion will just make best of his situation. Orion created his own "speak easy" Casino which The Bellagio seems to know nothing about. The casino is named "Legend" and guests are "snuck" into locked Bellagio and are ushered up to the the top floor. You would think this was stupid because we do not want to be spreading the shitty virus but Orion has naked women waiting for you on the top floor with tests to make sure that you do not have it. If you pass that test, the next line of security is to make sure you deposited the required one million dollars that is required to enter the casino. There is not paper money at the casino or chips. It is all digital. The games themselves are live but that is it. Orion said "We maybe operating a illegal casino here but we are safe. Not with our money because the house always wins. But also with our girls. You can only have sex with them if you have a condom. Oh and pay the fee of fifty thousand dollars to fuck one of them. You have to understand that if we want people to come back we have to be safe. The type of person that plays here is a rich person. Not hockey player rich, but really stinking rich. You would think that I would be begging to play again but I in fact am making tons more money this way and I don't have to play hockey ever again. So why in the flying fuck would I try to come back for one last season?"


You would think breaking Social Distancing rules/laws, operating an illegal casino would be enough illegal activity but not for Orion Slade. He also operates an illegal strip bar in the villa across the hall which he paid for easily from profits off one hour of operating his casino. Not only is this guy living on top of the Vegas world, he is also living large and doing right under the watchful eye the Bellagio and law enforcement. One would think that he is paying them all off because this way the Casino can make money and the law enforcement gets bribes which we all know there is always dirty cops. A lap dance at the strip bar which Orion has named "Mythical" is a hefty five grand, a private show is ten grand. But you cannot make it rain dollar bills here. You can tip dancers digitally in a strip bar app that allows you "make it rain" digitally. But not in ones. It will be in hundreds. Which the bar takes a cut of. 


If you think that you are holding up well in your little home with your thumb right up your ass then that’s nice but you will never be living large like Orion Slade who is operating a Casino within a closed Casino. Enjoy your quarantine.


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