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Nice Pennypenny's Thoughts


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Nice Penny’s Thoughts


            Hello everybody! My name is Pennypenny, and I am one of the most positive role models on this website! I make sure to always take care of everybody on my team and treat everybody in the VHL Discord with respect. Anyone who says otherwise on that situation is completely wrong – because I am nice, and Pennypenny would never be rude! I love everyone in the VHL equally and will always take care of anyone who ever needs my love and support. People like Hulk Hogan, my dearest friend Hulk Hogan. I love HH, brother. He does nothing but support me in any journey I make. I always make sure that him and I are together in our hockey expenditures. We always go out for tacos after the games, and I always like to give him a nice ruffle on the feathers. Hehe, he’s a real funny chap.


            Let me tell you how much I love hockey when I play it with Hulk Hogan, brother. He always makes sure to give me a nice back massage before we get out on the ice – and we can’t forget how much he makes me smile when he shows those lovely gnawers he has in his mouth. Oh my gosh, HH is so cute! Such a lovely sweet little thing, that I really wish I could just take over to my house later tonight and eat up! Mm, nothing like a little bit of Hollywood in your bite, partner. Anyways, I love you HH and I wish everybody to have a wonderful day!

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