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Wild hit a rock


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The wild offense has hit a dead end. Komarov for awhile was pulling away from the 2nd next scorer on his team. They started playing like the Edmonton Oilers. They needed 1 guy to score, and the goalie to play great in order to win.


The lines have been shook up, and now they traded for Tim Brown. All in hopes to balance the line up offense an start to get a few guys going as some of their top 6 guys just are not cutting it. The hope is with this addition Brandt, Kestavich can start to score,. They appear to have gotten Brandt back to his early season ways when paired with Komarov. Hopefully Brown, and Krestanovich can work together and form a solid top 6.


They are looking for that balance as they look to win a cup. Hopefully the moves, made by the GMs help them become a bigger threat after the fall off. 

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