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How to Properly Dress for A Saturday Night Hockey Game


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How to Properly Dress for A Saturday Night Hockey Game


Hockey night in Canada, Saturday Night, HNIC, whatever you call it in Canada, Saturday night means hockey night and there is a certain dress code for that. Below you will find the appropriate attire for Saturday night pregame dress.




Let us get into the king of hockey fashion, Austin Matthews for some good and some bad. Let’s start with the good. The hat is good, very good in fact. Fedora is a classic look that can’t go bad. Flat cap and newsboy are other options you can’t go wrong with. To the bad, double breasted blazer is ok on Saturday night ONLY if it is a rivalry game or playoffs. For a standard game, stick to the casual blazer. Now moving on done, the pants are good. Your pants should match the colour of the blazer. Tight or loose are fine, but they must match. Now, getting down to the nitty gritty, WEAR SOCKS PEOPLE. I don’t know where the idea came that it looked good to wear shoes with no socks. You wear socks, BLACK SOCKS. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Finally, to the shoes, go crazy here. This is where you can really go wild. If you feel pretty tame, then just match the shoe colour with the blazer and pant colours. But if you’re feeling on the wild side, slap some brown shoes on and go wild. The world is your oyster.


Remember, Saturday night hockey is a national treasure that must be protected. Let’s not sully it up with bright suits or beanies, or mismatching suits. Oh, and by the way, I had to look up what half these words meant. I wasn’t sure blazer was the correct term, so maybe take my advice as a grain of salt.



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