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Minnesota Hit Hard by George Floyd Protests, Newhook and Others Joining Them


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                       As many of you all know, the murder of an innocent black man in Minneapolis has hit the world hard, with not always peaceful protests across the U.S. and world. Minneapolis has arguably been hit the hardest, with many businesses and homes being destroyed in the riots. Newhook and others on the Minnesota Storm have been joining the peaceful protests because they know that this is not how anybody should ever be treated. Newhook was asked for his point of view, and responded with "I don't know how the world has come to this. In the middle of a global pandemic and economic collapse, people are still killing others based on the color of their skin. At protests against police brutality, police are being brutal. This system of systemic racism needs to be eradicated, and that's not possible with a racist, incompetent president. Vote like your country depends on it. JUSTICE FOR GEORGE! BLACK LIVES MATTER!" Others asked for their positions on Minnesota wished to stay anonymous, and said " This is not how I envisioned the new decade. A completely mismanaged handling of a pandemic by a president who only cares about how much money he's worth and his popularity and TV ratings, and huddles in his White House tweeting out random words and how if anyone crossed the barrier to his house they would be greeted with the most vicious dogs and ominous weapons he's ever seen, and complimenting the police. Insane."


243 words

Edited by GrittyIsKing09
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