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Eoin Byrne's Diary

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Eoin Byrne From Cairlinn Ireland it's just a common fella.
Comming from a small village in the north of ireland, he had to learn to fight from a very young age.
but even then,he would never do it for himself,but to protect others,because he got told, that he shall not raise his fist against his enemies,but instead to protect his family,friends or other folk.
so,that way time passed and Eoin learned the game of Hockey,where he had a strange natural skill to block shots and had the chance to protect his new friends.

When he turned 16,his coaches suggested him to try his luck across the sea, he met some new coaches that came to him asking for him to join a team in a werid land called Miami! where they had a new team and needed someone with his.... skillset to help them win a playoff spot!
and so we did, i'm already a couple days in here. surrounded by new friends (that hopefully don't become rivals) and i'm able to play a great level of hockey on the Penalty Kill squad and with plenty of minutes already!

This lockeroom it's super active,everyone's doing something all day long! who would know?
from the General Manager, to his Assistant, to the Captain, or the other team members,everyone was so friendly towards me (and works hard as hell)
I only hope that if my story (and the draft) moves me elsewhere, people it's as friendly as here. never ever would like to move if that doesn't happens.
for cold I already have the cold and harsh climate of my homeland. the land where the last leprachauns still live and with their magic brings us luck.
I don't expect to be the best player ever. it would be stupid to want that,but to be the best teammate ever, so that way people will come to me and the cold will be no more.

speaking of cold... my biggest friend (and I hope she thinks of me as a rival as well) Emi rune, came from England to play in Saskatoon. so we will face eachother before it all ends. 
and who knows,maybe we will play for the same team in a future,not in the minors,but as two full grown players.
everyone should fear if we two end up on the same defensive line,for I trust her with my life,and so do she.
Great Britain could have a great defensive duo that way (think about it)
but that matters not,for now all that it does matter are the playoffs
we will face minesotta on the first round! and for what i've heard it could go either way!
it's a lot to manage, a lot to understand,learn and focus on.
But I know for fact that these guys can do it.
they can pull it off and I am going to be here to help them archieve it.


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I liked this article, it is a nice peek into the life and times! 

Formatting is your friend, I discovered that if you paste text in from another source (like wordpad for ex), the formatting & line spacing goes funny.



Welcome to Miami Eoin! And as I said before, you have fit right in and we couldnt be more happy!



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