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A History for Riley In Pee Wee Hockey


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Before Riley Couture was drafted by the Miami Marauders into the VHLM she played for a peewee team in her home city, Sheffield. The team was called Sheffield Puggles, their logo was coincidentally the same platypus with a glasses disguise icon that Dylan uses on his discord account. Puggle is the word for a baby platypus, which was a fitting name for a team that held a bunch of 11 and 12-year-olds since they are young, like a baby platypus.

At this age, Riley Couture wasn't very good at skating yet, she would often slip up on the ice and fall into her teammates, who all hated her for the injuries she caused them. She was already illegally drinking monster energy drinks at 12, in the UK you're not allowed to drink energy drinks until you're 16, and you need an ID to buy them, she was getting them from her older friends from her secondary school. She would drink the green coloured ones in order to give herself enough energy to play. Even if she was pathetic at this time, she did manage to score the team's only goal... by falling over and slipping with her stick held forward, the stick by chance slid into the puck, which crawled into the goal. Even though this was a victory for Riley, it wasn't a victory for her PeeWee team who had 18 goals against them. A lot of children cried that day, and many participation rewa pizzas were eaten.

Riley moved throughout the UK's Development League until she was 21, and during this time she improved greatly since her toddler 12-year-old days. She finally figured out how to skate without face planting the ice. It was around her later teenage years that her caffeine-fueled training sessions started to be taken seriously, she would start to practice in the various areas that she wanted to improve upon. It was at this age that she started her weird Emo phase, that she thinks she got out of, but her cat ear outfits and neon green bangs suggest it still stook around. As she found more confidence in her own fashion expression, she also found confidence in her game and built up her skills ready to be drafted at the age of 23. She moved into the VHLM with a pretty balanced skillset with the hopes to develop herself into an offensive scorer role during her future career.

Edited by Riley_Couture
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