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Claimed:A Brief History of O'Neal Jr.


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Da'Brickashaw O'Neal Jr. has big dreams to accomplish


There has been a lot of speculation and rumors floating around the VHL after Da'Brickashaw O'Neal Jr. declared his draft eligibility for the S40 VHL Entry Draft. Not much was known about him as a prospect other than he is one of his fathers many bastard children and that he appears to be a very similar player to his father. Da'Brickashaw Sr. originally had no intentions of raising this child. After seeing a freakishly large three year old Da'Brickashaw Jr. for the first time he immediately began scheming ways to profit off this beast of a child and immediately took him in.


It was quite obvious from a young age that Da'Brickashaw Jr. possessed the potential to be a freakishly strong individual. The original plan was to train the child from a young age to be the greatest enforcer in VHL history, but that plan was put on hold shortly after he had officially begun raising him. Da'Brickashaw Sr. was sentenced to 15 years in prison after he was caught trying to sell two grams of marijuana to a cop at a costume party on Halloween. He served his entire sentence along with an extra five years for violent behavior. When he was finally released from prison, he was completely broke and desperately needing a source of income.



O'Neal Jr. attempting to sing the Russian national anthem at his first Red Wolves game


While his father was in jail, O'Neal Jr. was kicked around multiple foster homes. He dropped out of school at the age of 14 and began working as a bouncer at a local night club. He was already 6'5 at that age and weighed in at 200 lbs. He worked as a bouncer for nine years until his father was released from prison and came to him with the plan of becoming a VHL player. Despite not having any experience playing hockey they signed up O'Neal Jr. for the S40 VHL Entry Draft and he was picked up by Moscow Red Wolves of the VHLm.


O'Neal Sr. has his son strictly training his strength, foregoing all on-ice team practices to speed up his gains. This means the only time you'll see Da'Brickashaw Jr. in skates is during a Red Wolves game for the couple of minutes ice-time hes currently playing. Along with the strength training they have O'Neal Jr. training in several different fighting styles, but are currently keeping which ones a secret. The duo believes that his skating and actual hockey ability will slowly develop over time, but the main concern for now is becoming a great enforcer. With a whole season to train before he will be eligible to enter the VHL there is no doubts that O'Neal Jr. can become a formidable enforcer. Whether he will be able to develop much of an offensive game remains to be seen, but the potential is there to turn into a solid big body presence. The consensus opinion of most scouts is that O'Neal Jr. is a very raw player that possesses exceptional physical tools, but lacks in the skill department. He will certainly be one of the most interesting prospects to keep an eye on headed into the S40 VHL Entry Draft.


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Content: 3/3 - Interesting character building here, Jr. should be a unique player in the VHL. 

Grammar: 2/2 - Nothing much.


minutes ice-time hes currently -> minutes of ice-time he's

Appearance: 1/1 - Yup yup

Overall: 6/6


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