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The sun is shining is Toronto


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Well after the twenty game mark, Toronto is finally finding some needed success. We have been in more one goal games, and on the losing side, way too often. The team is better than that. We will continue to adjust as needed and the leadership has been very transparent and reinforces the team game approach.


Tricking Simon T into putting us on the win column isn't easy. I think we have found a bit of a sweet spot with our lines and that should, in theory, take us to victory more times than not.


The team is full of excitement and there is a collective effort to make us better each week. All the ingredients that makes a good team succeed.


On a personal note, John Merrick seems to be settling in with the team just fine. He is far from being a impact player but he has a role to fill and has filled it well at this point. It's a team game and nothing is more fun than come out of a day of games with wins. It is looking brighter in Toronto. Let's see how this coming week plays out.


Stay safe everyone. Wear a face condom.

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