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Wow, it has been a while since I've even glanced at the VHLM, and the first thing I see is the monstrosity that is the player leaderboards. We have 5 players already over 60 points, and 2 of them are past 70. Brian Strong Jr and Florent Vericel, both of whom are on Saskatoon and have been carving up the league each respectively with 87 and 78 points. The insane part of those stats is that there has been only 34 games. Everyone knows that scoring in the minors is way easier than the bigs, and for good reason. In previous memory, we had both Riley Knight Gee and Adam Syreck break 140 points in a single season. This season seems to be comparable to S71, where Richard Penisson and Adam Syreck had every 199 points and 181 points. Note that they were also both on the same team. Now the question that remains is whether or not Brian Strong Jr or any other S74 player will be able to make it on to the top 10 record books for the M.


Currently, the obvious front runner for making it into the record books is Brian Strong Jr, with his absurd stat line so far. He is averaging 2.56 points/game, and in a standard 72 game season, he'll make it to 184 points. Unfortunately, that means falling short of both Adam Warlock's absurd total of 255 points and Richard Penisson's recent 199 point campaigns. But if he does keep up the pace, he could beat out Adam Syreck's 181 point campaign and place 7th in most points in a season. Another very achievable goal he could reach is 6th most, which is held by Tim TebowGow with 185. Strong's teammate, Florent Vericel, has a much lower chance of making it on to that top 10 list, as by averaging 2.29 points a game, he'll end up with 165 points after this season. By no means a low point total, but he'll have to keep up this pace to just edge out Zach Parechkin with 163 points. This also has the condition that his teammate, Strong Jr, scores less than 165 points, which is unlikely. 


In the goals category, once again, Brian Strong Jr is in the race. In fact, he has a very good chance of taking 2nd place in goals in a year. At his current pace, he is projected to have 97 goals, but he'll only need 98 to beat out Ivan Morozov for 2nd. Unfortunately, this season it seems like there will on one else who can enter the possibility of having this top 10 record. Although a few might be able to achieve more than 74 goals for the 10th. The leader of this is once again Brian Strong Jr's teammate Florent Vericel who is on pace for 72. If he's lucky, he may even be able to pass Richard Penisson with 77.


Unfortunately, those are all the main categories that might have new people in the top 10. There are a few minor ones such as shots taken, which Brian Strong Jr can crack the top 10, but that's it.

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