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Kunibuni UnGuri Scouting Report:


Hello Sir


I have completed my scouting run of the Houston Bulls. I know that you said it would not be worth the trip to go visit the team struggling to get wins but I have some news for you. The Goalie that the Bulls signed Kunibuni UnGuri, I see some great potential out of him.


Sure, you may look at his win loss and think why would I want a 9-37-3 goalie, this guy is an absolute steal. He has faced 2031 shots in the 49 games he has played and has a .899 save percentage. Sure, the save percentage does not look to good he is also facing over 40 shots a game. I think that with the right defense in front of him he could be a great asset to the team.






·         Mentality: Mentally he is very strong willed he wants to do the best he can to help his team succeed and will not get tilted very easily. This means that even if he lets 2 in quickly, he will not then give up he will keep fighting to make sure there is not a third puck that gets passed him.

·         Dedication: This is a man who when I spoke to has grown up with nothing. He has really stuck with his hockey and wants to make a name for himself. You will always see him at training being the first one there and usually asking for more drills to do after the team has been sent home. You can see his drive to succeed is one of the strongest I have ever seen.

·         Desperation Saves: Occasionally you will see UnGuri out of position a tad but what he lacks in his positioning he makes up for greatly in his reactionary desperation saves. During one game I saw him make three outstanding diving saves to rob the opposition of what they thought was a guaranteed goal. He puts his body on the line and makes sure that very few pucks will go passed him.






·         Positioning: As I wrote above sometimes you will see UnGuri a little out of position like he does not truly know where the posts are and might overcommit to one side. It is a weakness, but I think with proper training we can get him to where he needs to be.

·         Defensive Mindset: One thing I noticed that he will stay in his crease most of the time, even on the power play when the opposition dump the puck he doesn’t usually make a move to go and get it rather he will stay in his crease and leave it to the skaters. Even though this slows things down a tad it means he never lets in any stupid goals by leaving his crease.

·         Presence: When a skater is approaching him UnGuri gives off the presence that he is quite small there seems to be a lot of net around him to shoot in to. He usually will make the save but working on himself appearing bigger in net should help in cutting down the angles players can shoot.





UnGuri shows a lot of promise and I can expect big things out of him I would make sure that you pick him in late first round early second round depending on other teams Goalie needs. With the right training we have a potential star on our hands here. Just hopefully no one else pays attention to him.

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