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Pietro Angellini - VHL Rookie Season Review


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After ascending to the Bigs on the wave of a personal record season in the VHLM, Pietro Angellini was eager to get to the Motherland and join his new team, the Moscow Menace. The top league in the world is demanding and Pietro was up to the challenge but his rookie season was not without adversity. Pietro found himself in awe of the talent level of the VHL, squaring off with elite players every time he took the ice. Pietro was determined to make his rookie debut count. He took this challenge head on. This was the toughest competition he had ever seen and he believed he came in unprepared. Pietro took to the weight room, practice, and team meetings with gusto. His demeanor changed. A man possessed.


Initially stumbling out of the gate, Pietro found his stride alongside his new teammates. His new GM @Victorhad tasked him with playing Wing, something he had done in seasons past but was unaccustomed to as he considered himself a natural Center. @Victor knew Pietro had the skills and it began to pay off. Pietro began contributing on a nightly basis, finishing the regular season with 50pts (23G, 27A) and 50 hits, a truly balanced rookie season. 


The Playoffs are looming and Pietro is preparing. He just may make his mark yet.

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