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A day in the life of Kasper Kankkunen


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It was a sad ending to an incredible season in Las Vegas and a praised Kankkunen didn't show up when it mattered most. In 12 games Kasper had only 2 goals and 3 points with a plus minus of 0, during the season he was a +86 and everybody was hopeful he'd at least carry the team defensively, the lack of hitting and attempts to block shots didn't help. We're not saying he won't perform for his new team but he'll need to stay positive and look ahead if he wants to win the rookie of the year.


Thanks to the efforts of soon to be star athletes like Gary Rush who had over a point a game or Minott who all over the place giving it his all nobody really noticed the bad plays and poor shifts from tired teammates, specially Kankkunen. The Aces were still strong despite the facts and the better team won.


Now after another failed run at the cup the Las Vegas Aces are not giving up and they still have a ton of potential in the dressing room. Newer fans from the new logo era will be watching closely early on to see if it's worth another season of tickets after watching their team lose before getting to the finals again but lifetimers are already purchasing and getting ready no matter the results.


The off-season is here and it's time for the players to move on with their careers and hotel rooms in Vegas were going vacant as fast as new attendants sign up. After a goodbye speech and last meal with the team, It was time for Kasper Kankkunen to leave and he was London inbound.


Thursday, November 5th. 10:30AM

McCarran International Airport 



Before he jumped on the plane to join his new squad the media approached Kasper for a last interview of sorts and like always it was no problem for the offensive defenseman.


"What do you think about next years prospects?" - VHLM Sportswriter Anna Winter

Well the league is growing rapidly right now so there's a lot of talent, if the managers focus and try to develop players to their fullest we will see a more competitive league that could possibly expand soon.


"What's the one thing you'll miss most about playing for the Aces?" - Vegas Scout Samuel Finconn 

Has to be my teammate, everyday when I arrived at the area they greeted and motivated me to improve my game. Good meals, good games and a lot of good laughs.


"What are you most excited for when you arrive in London?" - Random Fan

I'm excited to see my European buddy Friedriksson again, gonna be easier to adjust tobthe new locker room atmosphere with a familiar face.. One thing I'm curious about is the arena, hopefully I adjust quickly if anything is different from North America, had a hard time getting used to thing when I arrived from Finland. 


After our last question the jets to roar on and the passengers were signaled to the lobby so they could board the plane, it was officially goodbye to future VHLer and lifetime Ace but his history remains for future Vegas defenders who wanna follow his path.


Nearly 12 hours of flying, music on shuffle and 42 bags of pretzels and Kasper finally arrived London City Airport, the rest of the travelers were starving and angry so it wasn't a good start in his new colours but as soon as the plane landed Kankkunen decided to buy everybody dinner to get back on their good side. 


Thursday, November 5th - 11:32PM

Ritz London Hotel



Minutes after dinner we hear a ring ring ring, it was the London United General Manager, the group of strangers huddled in to listen, "Hey kid are you ready to fly here join us?"

"Already here boss"

"Good to hear, meet you at the arena tomorrow, we got an early team practice to see where every is at"

"Awesome see you there"


It didn't take long for the media to catch on and the cameras were rolling, they followed to prospect to the Ritz London Hotel and the offensive defenseman was willing to answers another set of questions with the new set of reporters.


"What's the first thing your gonna do when you wake up?" - London Hockey Review reporter Jane Jones

Probably order up some breakfast and head to the arena, can't wait to meet my new teammates.


"We just heard New York defender High Jass was just added to the team for a couple of top picks right before you arrived.. What do you think of that?" - Athletic Trainer David Ugu 

I think our defense went from being a work in progress to a group who'll be able to handle better offensive schemes, yeah the picks could have made us stronger in the future buy I think it's our time to shine. Smart move by the general manager.


"What're you going to do on the ice to help improve the team?" - VHLM Sportswriter Anna Winter

Well my main focus my whole career has been to score, expect lots of shots. I'm open to changing any part of my game though, very pleased to be part of a great group of players!


"Where will London end up in the standings at the end of the season?" - Reporter Rudy Rack

The media keeps asking me this, my answer stays the same.. We will make the playoffs or just miss them, give us a couple of seasons and you'll be asking us questions about the playoffs.


A yawning Kasper called it quits after answering more questions and checked into his hotel room, the tired reporters agreed knowing they'll see him at practice tomorrow. 


Not long after a short sleep in his new city the defender got ready and hopped into a cab to the United Arena, at first the driver was confused and drove to the opposite side of town but Kankkunen showed up, only 40 minutes later.. At least the media was gone


Friday, November 6th - 8:42AM

United Arena



The team was well into training and the coach didn't look happy so Kasper quickly suited up and hit the ice. One shot, two shots later and the session ended, the team piled into the locker room, Kankkunen stayed behind to get in some more reps, missing an opportunity to introduce himself


Yeah the day didn't go as planned for Kasper and his short VHL career is starting off rough but it's still early and the finnish defender seems determined to make an impact wherever he can, don't let these early mistakes fool you


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