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Weird interview with Riley Couture


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Riley has often been asked by interviewers; "If Ice Hockey wasn't the big dream? What would you be doing instead?" Riley, of course, replies with "This is absurd, I do love Ice Hockey and I couldn't even begin to think about working a day job." Then she will pause for a moment with her finger to her chin, thoughtfully continuing. "That being said, I do think that I would make a good bodyguard, using some of the transferable skills that I have picked up whilst being the assistant general manager for the Halifax 21st." This will give the interviewers an inquisitive expression. "And what do you mean by that Riley?" They will ask. "I always have to look out for my Team Mate Rick Osman in the locker room, I have to make sure that no one bullies him and if that is that case, I must kill them." The interviewers will look on in shock. "Funny thing is," Riley continued, "This week I accidentally killed Dolant instead of Dil, but that meant that I was being the bully, so I had to kill myself. That's why I'm talking to you now in my ghost form!"
The interviewers find it hard to compose themselves having been given this information but they have to finish up the news segment. "Well there you have it folks, player Riley Couture who is about to move up to the VHL doesn't even have a body to play with anymore, good luck to her out there on the Ice, she will desperately need it." 

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