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The Saskatoon wild have a big start ! Many players lead this team in points and with their leadership ! We can notice that the LW  Florent Vericel who put many points for this team ! He know what to do and he do it, he is a real leader for this team ! His center Steve Eso is really good too, he is now in his 3rd season in the VHLM , and we are sure that he will beat his record for the number of points, last year he put 45 points in 72 games, and now he have 29 points in 16 games! 

The goalie Michael Fletcher help is team too with a 0.892% of save! He have 8 win and 4 loss in 12 games ! 

So if they continue to play like that The Saskatoon wild can really hope to touch the cup at the end of the year ! 

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I like the support towards Saskatoon and their players, but unfortunately this is too short for ''Media Spot''. Did you mean to post this into https://vhlforum.com/forum/78-vhlcom-articles/


If that is the case, copy and paste the article there and claim the 2 TPE in portal!


Feel free to expand on this article here if you want to claim it as a ''Media Spot''. However, right now there is 155 words. Minimum for ''Media Spot'' is around 450 to 500 words. Good start though!

@weekz (Tagging just in case)

Edited by jRuutu

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