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Pre Game Routine


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                                          I saw Cabe's article on stopping his crack cocaine and starting to drink his own semen, and I realized that Juniper is a boring child when it comes to pre game routines. Here's what I did:


12 hours before game: I don't know what time this will be, since the sims are all over the place. 



4 hours before the game: Eat a massive meal filled with grasshoppers, crickets, and maple syrup. Absolute protein blast with some sweetener. Truly gets you ready for a big game


3 hours before game: Xbox time. Get the mind off of how there are bugs in your stomach right now. Just play. 


2 hours before the game: Listen to music. Preferably Drake or Weezer. Either one works to hype the hell out of me


1 hour before the game: Head to the rink, and start to warm up. Play some soccer keep up with the rest of the team because that's what we do


1/2 hour before the game: Put your gear on and get out on the ice for warm ups. 


The start of the game: Here we go boys.


1st intermission: Tall glass of pickle juice. Tastes like demon sauce but it is good for your play. Fight through the pain.


2nd intermission: Eat a KitKat. You heard me right. I time is so I only get the sugar high, not the slump afterwards. Gives me a little boost of energy


3rd intermission: Celebrate a lot because Juniper got 5 points in 2 games(including a hatty in the second one).



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