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Nappy the Draftee


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     I am sure you are aware by now that the greatest military man Europe has ever produced has now been drafted in both the VHL and VHLM. 
The teams that have drafted me are run by wise individuals. The other players are men and women of the finest qualities both on and off the ice. Allow me to focus on the team that decided on me for the VHLM draft.

     I came into the draft not knowing where I would end up. I knew I was recognized enough as a player that would go in the first few rounds. I hadn’t heard from many teams so I started wondering if I as even being considered to be drafted. The first round went by and as expected the stars of the draft were taken one by one. The second round goes by and you start to see teams reach further down the draft to grab project type players. I start to feel like I have a chance to be taken soon. The third round comes and goes and still no one has picked me yet there is still a ton of great talent on the board. We move on to the fourth round and I’m patiently waiting for my name to be called but again I here nothing. I shut the tv off thinking that this wasn’t going to be my year. Maybe I’d have to sign as a free agent some where and prove that I belonged in this league. I was about to go to bed that night when I got the call. The Miami Marauders had taken me in the S76 Draft. I could not believe what I was hearing. My dreams were coming true and it didn’t matter where and when I was taken in the draft but someone took a chance on me and that was Miami.

     It was absolutely insane how far i fell in this draft, me, Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France. Tamer of Italy under the olive trees. Conqueror of the land of Pharaohs. Why would nobody pick me? Hockey is said to be no place for short people, yet i am no shorter than the average man from my time. I have more TPE than most who went before me. Did someone perhaps pay the other leaders to let me drop to them? Is it because i was no longer as active in the general VHL chat? Is it perhaps that i am supposed to be over 200 years old? Who is to say?

     How can a man who had conquered most of the greatest lands of his day not be expected to do the same on the ice for his beloved teams? Would the teams in Germany, Austria, and Poland not be in fear and awe? Would those in London not quiver in their boots and have their stomachs and stools turn to mush knowing i shall set foot in these places again? These games may yet be won long before we make our stunning arrivals. Perhaps they will say that i am nothing, that i cannot play, that they have men who have conquered more to face against me. I say i am Napoleon. I am Emperor! 

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an other great article from a great war conqueror. You nailed it again, I like how you use your knowledge of war history to put a unique touch of humor in your article. Now we want one that talks about your VHL draft next week :p 10/10

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