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Seattle Bears go to Vegas

diacope 2

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The Seattle Bears didn’t get to go on an official vacation in S76 due to travel restrictions, but this however didn’t stop a few of the players from attempting to go to Las Vegas anyways. Namely the Bear’s biggest troublemakers both on and off the ice, Timothy Brown, Jim Bob, and of course Randy Marsh. The trio’s attempt to gather a group didn’t go smoothly at first. They tried to convince teammate Hex Rose, who was not willing to go along even though he was a Vegas alumni. Odin Omdahl also rejected them, stating that traveling at a time like this was a terrible idea. The gang managed to convince Jacob Tonn to go along with them even though he wasn’t on the squad anymore, however,  and this was due to the fact that he had already paid to go months in advance.


Tonn was in Seattle due to the game against Moscow taking place on the 14th of February, so the squad decided to head there on the night of February 13th. They flew on a plane, as they determined that driving from Seattle to Vegas was an 18 hour flight so it was out of the question. Once they arrived in the city, they checked into their hotel and lost track of Randy Marsh in the process. After waiting around in the lobby for a half an hour and seeing no sign of him they decided to head down to the casino. It was Randy’s loss after all. Once they arrived they determined that Jim Bob had to pay for the drinks because he had the largest contract, much to his annoyance. 


Timothy Brown decided to play blackjack in the casino, as they determined that it was his best chance of winning money. He made a bet of 750 thousand dollars, and the dealer dealt the cards. He dealt Timothy a 5 and a 6, and there was a 4 showing on his hand. Brown couldn't believe his opportunity, and he decided to double down and potentially double his winnings. The dealer dealt him the card… and it turned out to be a 2 of spades. The dealer flipped his own card and revealed a 10. Timothy Brown couldn’t believe his luck and he flipped over the table in response, before being dragged out by security.


Jim Bob and Jacob Tonn sat in silence in the casino following the awkwardness of the previous event. They decided to cut their losses and leave before causing themselves any more embarrassment. Meanwhile outside the casino, Brown and Randy Marsh had been reunited. Marsh has been drinking and picked a fight with a group of random Las Vegas Aces players that were entering the casino. Brown attempted to back up his teammate, but it was 5 against 2 and it didn’t seem like they had much chance of winning. At the same moment Jim Bob and Jacob Tonn exited the casino and saw what was about to go down. Marsh saw his opportunity to strike now that he had backup, and he took a swing at the biggest Aces player. A brutal fight ensued, in which Randy Marsh would have certainly got a lengthy suspension if it was a hockey fight. 


Having won the fight and the police inbound, the gang ran down the street a few blocks and hailed a taxi to take them to the airport. A group decision was made that they had had enough of Vegas for one night, and they all returned home in time for the Valentine’s Day game.

Edited by a_Ferk
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Great story and most importantly - a story that is real. Was nice to read about former Bears players interacting with the current Bears players. A proper fight is a fitting ending to any story, I like happy endings.


Picture of some kind could add some extra flavor to the article, but other than that,  well-done!

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