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Everything posted by Symmetrik

  1. Also there is no jester. All the neutrals are dead
  2. town is an alignment, not a role. We have no time left for being secretive, you are completely suspect for STILL not claiming a role. We have 2 guns since gunsmith gave one out before dying, and a lynch to do today with 3 mafia vs 6 town. It doesn't help us though if the town try to hide at this point. I'm also not suspect because I've clearly stated information that only the medium would know from talking to both the Escort and the Lookout in dead chat.
  3. GODFATHER - MMFLEX - DEAD MAFIOSO - XSJACK - DEAD FRAMER - OMGITSHIM - DEAD MAFIA MAFIA MAFIA ASSASSIN - DEVISE - DEAD EXECUTIONER - JOSH. - DEAD SERIAL KILLER - THELASTOLYMPIAN - DEAD MAYOR - ENORAMA - DEAD MEDIUM - SYMMETRIK VILLAGER - MATT_O - DEAD ESCORT - GUSTAVMATTIAS - DEAD FISHERMAN - AHAWK2191 - DEAD LOOKOUT - SIXERSFAN549 - DEAD TRACKER - SULLVINO - DEAD DOCTOR - MEXICANCOW123 - DEAD VILLAGER - WALTER FIZZ - DEAD RETRIBUTIONIST - TACTICALHAMMER INVESTIGATOR - HULKHOGAN GUNSMITH - SHARKSTRONG - DEAD VILLAGER - MATMENZINGER - DEAD POWER TOWN?? - BLADEMAIDEN SEER - FAKEJENTON - DEAD TOWN TOWN NO ROLE CLAIM fonziGG LattimoreIsland FusRoDah Poptart Psanchez There are 3 mafia members left, chances are they're among the 5 left without a role claim. We have 2 guns and a lynch today. @HulkHogan still hasn't fully proven to be investigator, it would be good to hear what info you got last night. Anyone who hasn't should absolutely claim a role now. Share the info you have. We cannot get another day wrong. We already know @Psanchez55 and @Poptart have night abilities, since the Lookout saw them visit Tac at night. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS.
  4. Yeah. Framer paid off for mafia. They'll get another night kill here. We gotta hope that a body guard can get some defense here. Mafia has a decent number of targets though, hopefully we can either get a trade or that mafia gets someone we can live without
  5. I would be playing an awful mafia lol, could have just cruise controlled if I was
  6. Yeah I know. I kinda believe him, but it would be just passing on a lynch at this point
  7. nothing solid
  8. Getting lynched would mean you die before night and can't use your ability, unfortunately
  9. MAYOR - ENORAMA - DEAD MEDIUM - SYMMETRIK VILLAGER - MATT_O - DEAD ESCORT - GUSTAVMATTIAS - DEAD FISHERMAN - AHAWK2191 - DEAD LOOKOUT - SIXERSFAN549 - DEAD TRACKER - SULLVINO - DEAD DOCTOR - MEXICANCOW123 - DEAD VILLAGER - WALTER FIZZ - DEAD RETRIBUTIONIST - TACTICALHAMMER INVESTIGATOR - HULKHOGAN GUNSMITH - SHARKSTRONG VILLAGER - MATMENZINGER - DEAD POWER TOWN?? - BLADEMAIDEN SEER - FAKEJENTON TOWN TOWN NO ROLE CLAIM fonziGG LattimoreIsland FusRoDah Poptart Psanchez 5 people have yet to claim roles. I think it's more likely that one of either Psanchez or Poptart are mafia, given how few spots there are left, and that they both have night abilities.
  10. Honestly he seems genuine, and if it was the Framer then omg is gonna be damn smug about it I bet ?. I think there's still too much of a possibility that he's lying so I think we still have to lynch. It would be real bad though if we lose our Seer as well as going 0/2 today
  11. Eastern, he means the cutoff for the end of the day phase
  13. So Framer was still in play. Possible both are telling the truth.
  14. yeah but which night did you use it
  15. Actually @FakeJenton when did you see Matmenzinger? We did have a Framer in play in on the first 3 nights.
  16. We need either @TacticalHammer or @Sharkstrong to switch their vote to Matmenzinger. If he is mafia, given that he voted for Hulk that would mean Hulk is indeed town.
  17. VOTE MATMENZINGER He was already up there on my list of suspects anyway. Worst case scenario we lose a villager, and tomorrow we can lynch or use one of the 2 guns on Fenton if he's lying.
  18. yes you can claim roles
  19. MAYOR - ENORAMA - DEAD MEDIUM - SYMMETRIK VILLAGER - MATT_O - DEAD ESCORT - GUSTAVMATTIAS - DEAD FISHERMAN - AHAWK2191 - DEAD LOOKOUT - SIXERSFAN549 - DEAD TRACKER - SULLVINO - DEAD DOCTOR - MEXICANCOW123 - DEAD VILLAGER - WALTER FIZZ - DEAD RETRIBUTIONIST - TACTICALHAMMER INVESTIGATOR - HULKHOGAN GUNSMITH - SHARKSTRONG VILLAGER - MATMENZINGER POWER TOWN?? - BLADEMAIDEN TOWN TOWN TOWN STILL ALIVE @fonziGG @LattimoreIsland @FusRoDah @FakeJenton @Poptart @Psanchez55 TacticalHammer Symmetrik HulkHogan Sharkstrong Matmenzinger BladeMaiden @TacticalHammer what do you think? It's a weird defense for Hulk. Not sure I fully trust it. We know Psanchez and Poptart both used night abilities to visit you. That means neither was the mafioso at the time, could still be spy/consigliere. It would be weird if 2 different mafia checked you, so worst case scenario would be that 1 is mafia, but not both. FakeJenton and FusRoDah have been almost completely inactive in here. Lat was advocating for lynching, which in this case would indicate to me for town, since mafia could just cruise by without lynchings, though he did kind of disappear when things started to turn towards the mafia, so he could have been potentially changing tactics. Matmenzinger's villager claim is the easy claim, doesn't mean it's a lie though, especially given there was 17 town and we've only seen 2 villagers so far, means there's probably at least a couple more. We could flip votes to him. Right now though I don't know if we'd have a 3rd vote to get anyone else. I believe Blade & Shark's claims, they seem well founded right now. I think we can follow through on the lynch for Hulk and maybe shoot fonzi? We're in a tight spot here.
  20. So we have 2 guns out and a potential lynch today. This is the chance to make a move before we potentially lose one tonight.
  21. I'd like to give some people a chance to claim roles/spread info/defend themselves first, but as it gets down closer to the end of the day if nothing changes probably fonzi
  22. I'm fine voting Hulk right now, fonzi should be pretty suspect though IMO. He threw this quote out there, but he has never claimed to be any role.
  23. I agree with this. VOTE HULKHOGAN @HulkHogan
  24. GODFATHER - MMFLEX - DEAD MAFIOSO - XSJACK - DEAD FRAMER - OMGITSHIM - DEAD MAFIA MAFIA MAFIA ASSASSIN - DEVISE - DEAD EXECUTIONER - JOSH. - DEAD SERIAL KILLER - THELASTOLYMPIAN - DEAD MAYOR - ENORAMA - DEAD MEDIUM - SYMMETRIK VILLAGER - MATT_O - DEAD ESCORT - GUSTAVMATTIAS - DEAD FISHERMAN - AHAWK2191 - DEAD LOOKOUT - SIXERSFAN549 - DEAD TRACKER - SULLVINO - DEAD DOCTOR - MEXICANCOW123 - DEAD VILLAGER - WALTER FIZZ - DEAD RETRIBUTIONIST - TACTICALHAMMER TOWN TOWN TOWN TOWN TOWN TOWN TOWN STILL ALIVE @HulkHogan @fonziGG @Matmenzinger @LattimoreIsland @BladeMaiden @FusRoDah @FakeJenton @Sharkstrong @Poptart @Psanchez55 TacticalHammer Symmetrik That's who's still alive, and based on the info we have right now, that's my order of most to least suspicious. Everyone on that list should claim a role right now.
  25. I'm the medium. I already teased a bit of info out a couple days ago, but Gustav (the Escort) did NOT block HulkHogan, who had claimed role blocked one of the earlier nights. Given that we have yet to see another roleblock claim leads me to believe he was probably lying. I also know that Sharkstrong, Poptart, and Psanchez all visited you, and nothing seems to have happened, so chances are none of them are mafia.
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