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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. If you x5 by 8 that's 40 players before the first generation retires that's enough for 3 teams mix that with our expanding recruitment. The league would be healthy for years. The recent influx of goalies is also going to cause huge problems in a season or two also which this would start to fix. I'm looking 3-5 seasons in the future.
  2. While I agree with you we cannot get around that without the burn out problem.
  3. @Spade18 I think most people are missing the Lotto aspect of this preposal we are talking a small amount of members each season. Just because you are up for it on your third season doesn't mean you will get it. 5 2nd players a season will be enough to stimulate the league as well as increase activity.
  4. How would you get burnt out on a player that takes the same effort as your first?
  5. I actually read through that prior to writing this and I think I corrected all the original mistakes I could be wrong though. I'm driving home so I won't reply an hour or so
  6. This is some good discussion its been awhile since we have had something like this
  7. Implying he wins the PP2.5 lotto though which for the first while will be very exclusive
  8. Do the EFL and SBA currently allow for it to count for both?
  9. Thats why the three season buffer would be there.
  10. That is why there is a three season buffer.
  11. Thats why I want to do a trial lotto of 5 people per season to start. if it works we can add more every season.
  12. thank you for the well written response! Good catch also ill edit that in later!
  13. Thats why Point Tasks count for both. In theory x2 the players would get an increase in people posting on the forums. More teams = less fluctuation in league standings less best from worst in a seasons span. More Players = more chances are different archetypes being important instead of just scoring. If they want a second player they will have to pass on welfare. Most do it now because the difference in TPE is so slight. Eliminating most of the top players in the league in the process now and in the future.
  14. Ill have to research that. ohhhhhhhhh @.sniffuM
  15. I agree I hated the original PP2 and yes it almost killed the league. I've addressed the causes of those issues in this suggestion. I believe that these changes would not impact the longevity of a players tenure here.
  16. My write up did nothing to change your mind?
  17. Very COOL idea! If you want to do me some for my characters I wouldn't mind
  18. I've tried stating my case to fix the GM case to the BOG and while we have had some good discussion id like the opinion of the everyday members. Im going to write up every detail of a revamped Player Two system I can think of and id like everyone's opinions on what you like, what you hate, and what you would change. CURRENT RULE: General Manager's can only have Two players. Job Pay applies to both characters. One of said players needs to be a "GM" Character (locked into General Managers Team) With the above being said there is also talk of changing the system because of rule confusion. The lack of firm guidelines regarding General Manager players and the changing of a teams General Managers. PP2.5 (Beaviss Edition): All players can have Two players. - General Managers can pay lowest 1st round pick to get there 2nd player without going through draft (shout out to @Quik) - Must have THREE seasons in between each created player. - Every season a Lotto will be held were people can enter to get 2nd player rights (5 to start). All TPE earned applies to both characters - Exception: Cannot claim welfare while having two characters. - Exception: Award wins do not count as both. - Exception: League Partners can claim other Point Tasks as ours. GM Players 2nd Players cannot sign in FA - Must be Drafted or Traded for. - Exception: Unless not offered by any other team. It is my theory that the change to PP2.5 would effect the league positively. Where the last implementation of PP2 burnt a lot of the leagues members by the increased workload, this will not. The old way of having to do all the required point tasks for each player was simply to hard for the average member to complete. This new format would not burn members out but it would increase activity and forum activity. The increase in players would also have the secondary effect of forced addition of more teams to the league. Which will have to happen in the next couple of seasons anyways. With the slow implementation of the second player (5 people chosen per season) it would be a good test to see if it works or if it again becomes to much work to do. There is not many downsides that I can foresee coming from implementing PP2.5. Negatives: League Expansion too quickly: Small numbers of players to start via a lotto would put a randomness to it so just not long term members get to trial run it. The increase of players would also increase the number of teams needed. We already have discontinued teams we can bring (Artwork and History of teams coming back) Players Becoming Burnt out: The Increased load on players would be updating their players twice. Welfare players might try to complete point tasks and bring them out of welfare only(Is that a bad thing?) Positives: Increased Player Activity Increased Amount of Teams Increased Player Amount Reduced amount of Welfare's Fix GM Player Problem Before any members point out the fact that im a "newer member" and I don't remember how bad PP2 was. When I first joined the BOG I was a loud voice in getting rid of the PP2 System. That being said I believe that these changes to the old outdated system will be a great thing for the site as a whole. Lets hear some opinions!
  19. Welcome to the league! How did you come to hear about us?
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