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Everything posted by SBA

  1. And generally, I would agree with you, but the Thunderdome as I recall it is "anything goes". And sadly, the opinions I've stated aren't from one league, they're what I've gathered from the people who have been in multiple leagues with him. Like I said, his simply being there was keeping members from joining who otherwise wanted to. It take a LOT to build that kind of reputation, I think. I do apologize if it comes across as anything else, but since this was a "DT is an egotistical idiot thread", I'd pitch in my part, he very nearly ruined our league, and so if our past experiences with him can be used by a bigger league like this to try to find a way to contain or quell him, then I'd gladly take the "starting shit" card. @Green, technically ADV got me here
  2. It may seem that way, but it's more to give a profile of DT than anything, he's incredibly good at hiding how he's eventually going to act. As to the end, I was a part of this league a while ago, and may come back now that I've had more experience in PT leagues. It seems better now, there doesn't seem to be any of the bad SHL members, so maybe they finally decided to stay over there.
  3. That was the more civil of the two posts that finally got him banned. As a commish.
  4. I'll put it this way, on the SBA we hold "yearly" surveys, and one of the questions is "what could be done, in your opinion, to improve the league?". Members who have only read DT's inanities in old threads say things like "Well, you got rid of DT, so anything else would be downhill". We have members who joined who wouldn't join while he was still allowed on the forum, and we have members who have threatened to quit if we ever allow him back. I hate to say it, but the dude is psychotic, immature, and shows a lot of sociopathic tendencies and should, by and large, be ignored in situations like this(though it IS fun to push his buttons, as he'll fly off the handle at a feathers touch). When he was banned from our league, before we made it public he made a post about retiring and quitting, and had this giant tantrum full of obscenities directed at individual members who had never been remotely rude to him. Later, when he wanted to come back, he told us that HE forgave our members, and to this day has deluded himself into thinking that his personality wasn't entirely at fault. Uh. . .Novel. But, TL;DR. DT ain't nothin' but a sack of problems.
  5. Oh dear God, that is confusing. If us Americans weren't so American, a standard off of GMT would be nice, but we'd never figure it out(Hell, some of us can't even figure out the CST is only an hour behind EST!)
  6. I tried to join as RehnX, but it said the username already existed(I had an account here at some point, but the old forum was confusing), and it wouldn't let me recover it(when I tried to do that it said the username DIDN'T exist)
  7. We just had the most active draft in league history, each D-league team will have 3+ actives in the upcoming season, and only 2 big teams(the Clippers and the Knights) will have an inactive in their starting line-up(with teams like the Jets, Bullets, Rail, and T-Birds having actives 2-3 positions deep in the bench). We had a slow down in media due to spring break, we knew as much would happen, as threads were posted saying "I'll be gone for vacation for 2 weeks". I hate to rain on your parade, but the SBA is healthier than ever. In terms of "whats funny", is the growth in league activity links exactly to when you got banned.
  8. For what it's worth, no one wanted DT as commish(hell, the day I joined was the first day I met him and I sent KCCO and Shane messages about how he was going to kill the league), Shane is just too nice . Thankfully, with Shacka, Cowboy, and Godfather joining the Admin section, we can overrule Shane when he is being too nice.
  9. Well, no, I have no problem saying "Hullo, DT, I'm Rehn". I'm here because you sent Shane-O a Message about how we should let you back and how you've changed(and to see if I actually understand the VHL enough now to join again ). Clearly. I find it funny that you are calling out a commisioner here because he used a different timezone than yours as some kind of conspiracy, when you yourself did such a terrible(and this is horribly ironic)self-serving job as commish on the SBA.
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