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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Just tell your prospects to go 40 passing 99 scoring. Vancouver has no shame, why should you?
  2. Review: The text running behind and infront of the render while blending as it's not that legible is really nice. As well as the line patterns and rectangular clipping masks. All of tge elements flow so nicely together. I have literally no complaints this is 10/10 work. The only thing I could nit pick is that there's no logo swap.
  3. Review: Really like the render choice of Brady for Detroit, similar playing styles. The colour adjustment on the Bears logo with the Senators colour scheme is nice. I like that the font is small and subtle since it's not the focal point. The colouring and render work flows nice. My only gripe is the effects on the far right not being blurred a bit but that's pretty minor. Overall 9.5/10
  4. My solution to the meta? Disband Vancouver and disperse their players evenly throughout the VHLE as punishment 

    1. Nykonax


      only if i can be teammates with @Kylrad still

    2. Shindigs


      What did the E do to you to deserve this cruel fate?

  5. 1. If Moscow hosted a Winter Classic, what team would you want to face? Warsaw, I always feel like the Czech and Russian rivalry is strong. As far as location the coldest place in Russia I suppose. 2. What Moscow Menace player would excel in an outdoor hockey game and why? i feel like Moreau would do well since he was born in Quebec and played a ton of outdoor hockey when he was younger. 3. What is your favorite Holiday Song? Baby It's Cold Outside. And no I don't care what anyone thinks about the song. 4. Favorite food of the Holiday Season? Really enjoy rum balls or a smoked turkey. But my favourite would have to be the danish sugar cookies. 5. How was your holidays? Did you have to work/school or did you get some time to relax? i finally had so e tine off and spent it re arranging our place and moving/buying furniture. 6. Do you have any New Years Resolutions? In VHL for Moreau to take less penalties. In real life save more money. Both will be tough.
  6. The whole thing is chefs kiss.
  7. @Josh's avatar fits perfectly. 10/10 on layout @Dom
  8. My reaction to the meta.
  9. Ok but how many did your sister make for you? @Shindigs
  10. Fucking covid. Postponing make belief games now.
  11. Reporting from David Knight's closet. To stay true to the title, this will be a pointless fan590 article. Yes they used to be called fan590's because Toronto is the center of the universe. Today we will be discussing topics such as why the meta can go fuck itself and why Vancouver should be relocated to purgatory, I mean Quebec. Meta I remember the days when players would strive for 99s across the board. Then if they saved their tpe and invested in dividends, it allowed them to put points into important attributes like Discipine, Fighting and Leadership. In one word that was BORING. Thankfully after 80 seasons the VHL has discovered more exciting player builds with more variety, gone are the days of every player having the exact same build, god that would suck. Relocation The Vancouver Wolves should be relocated back to Quebec, and rebranded as the Meute. Here's why 151 words
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