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Posts posted by diacope

  1. 1. Kyl Oferson has fought a total of 9 times this season (2 W, 2 L, 5 T). Is he acting as an enforcer, or does he just really like fighting?e

    Think it may be just the intensity level he plays at every game, sure he'll slow down and focus on scoring down the road. I say let him have fun if he is, it rubs off on the other guys and gives us momentum in close games 

    2. Patrik Tallinder must've had his largest group of fan girls behind the team bench yet during last night's game. How is he so ridiculously good looking?

    Dude always says family secret whenever I ask him about his hair gel, I know that's the reason and one day I'll find out!


    3. Aw man, Disney on Ice did a bunch of fancy tricks during their show yesterday and our ice is all messed up. Who's our Zamboni driver again?

    We have a Zamboni driver? There should be a new skill called jumping for all those holes left on the ice. If we do have one.. I'd like to know so I can kick his butt in gear :#%$:


    4. Tate was watching the entire team's kids yesterday and somehow got them all to watch movies for a few hours. What's your favorite kids movie?

    The Goonies and The Land Before Time


    5. What's your favorite comfort food?

    Spaghetti is always delicious :)


    8. Okay, enough with the sim league stuff. We've been doing this quarantine thing upwards of five or six weeks now, how are you holding up in real life?

    Good, usually indoors so staying inside isn't an issue for me. Guess it sucks that a lot of food is sold out, that's about it though.. Just chilling

  2. 2. One of our rookies (Kyl Oferson) is within striking distance of the rookie points lead. Who's his strongest competition for Rookie of the Year?
    Gotta go with Erik Killinger, his game is a lot different from the other rookies in the top 10 and if he continues to shoot the puck like he has it'll only create more chances for him and his teammates. Oferson has this though, kid has been eating his wheaties all week ;)


    3. What team do you like playing against the least?
    Probably Vancouver because their tough and skilled, a deadly combo. Also I don't like seeing my second favorite identity lose ?


    5. Let's say you're commish for the day. What do you do in your 24 hours?
    Give away TPE if possible and/or load my player up with cash but if I cant do either of those things I'd probably just sit there and play by the rules.. Or will I?!?!?! A mastermind never tells his secrets!!!!!!


    6. Thanos has crash-landed on earth and is looking for Infinity Stones. What super power would you choose to stop him from doing that?
    Minimize, Thanos isn't scary if I shrink his ass


    7. What are your thoughts about Animal Crossing?
    Played it when I was younger on the Game Cube and eventually bought it again for the DS, haven't played it in a bit though. I'd give it a 7.77/10, very relaxing and has a ton to do if you want to zen out for hours


    8. Boss says he's at home doing "absolutely nothing." What hobby do you think he should pick up?
    Old movies, games or books? Always fun to look back at something you haven't done in a while. Baking is time consuming and you feel good after creating something you never did before or the family enjoys. You could also discover new music, always exciting when you find a new artist 

  3. 1. Big trade! What do you have to say to our new netminder Greg Eagles?

    He'll fit right in, sucks to see useful and likable people go but something had to change if we wanted to continue our success. I think the trade made us better team as a whole, see you later old friends! Sup Greg


    4. Alright, let's say you couldn't have gone into professional hockey. What would you have done instead?

    Probably would have ended up playing cricket, had plenty of teams interested in my talents because of my fathers history, I love hockey too much though. Heard my cousin was just picked up by Perth in the major cricket sim league.. Good luck buddy :D


    5. (IRL) How have you been affected in the real world by the current pandemic? Are you keeping busy in spite of the quarantines/isolation around the globe?

    Nothing has changed for me other than being worried about catching the virus whenever I go shopping.


    6. Which one of your teammates is probably the most hardcore gamer?

    Maybe Nyko? I think most of our team is pretty good though, you should see them go on the weekend!


    7. D'aww, one of your teammates was seen on a ritzy romantic date with a local Latvian. Who's the team paramour?

    Not sure, hope it was a good date though ;)


    8. Hey, sorry. Arrived a little late to the team potluck - which dish did you bring?

    Sheppard's Pie


  4. 1. Who would you like to have make your next sig?

    Anybody on my current team willing to make me one or gorlab


    2. Which user currently has the best signature on the site?

    Too many options for me to think of so I'm going to go with a teammate and it has to be Nykonax


    3. What sport would you like to see receive a sim league of its own?

    A soccer sim league would be cool


    7. Aw, man. You got pretty drunk at the team party last night. Who drew on your face, and what do you see when you look in the mirror?

    If I knew who drew on my face I'd have already had my revenge, not sure what's worse.. The giant package on my forehead or the red rash from rubbing it


    8. You're trying to go out to a party (shame on you, corona is scary) during a nationwide lock down and a police officer stops you on your way out of the house to see where you're going. What do you say? 

    My cat told me to, he was hungry

  5. 1. All six of the nearby grocery stores are out of toilet paper, what do?

    Easy, use some newspaper or an old rag


    2. What's the weirdest adjustment you've seen people make as a result of coronavirus?

    Can't think of anything weird but people that thought the coronavirus was coming from corona beer made me laugh pretty hard


    4. Look 10 seasons into the future. How is the VHL different than it is now?

    Not a whole lot will change in my opinion, activity should remain the same but old players will go and new ones will begin their journey


    6. How much does your story/legacy matter to you in the VHL?

    A lot, I want to make a name for myself in anyway possible. If it doesn't work out I hope I set a good example for the kids watching at home, maybe one day (or right after) a new star will be born


    7. Tell me about one thing in your life you've had to sacrifice because of your hockey career.

    I like sleeping and not being able to sleep in anymore sucks but you gotta do what you gotta do to make some coin. Oh shit I'm late for practice now! I swear it was my alarm clock!


    8. What'd you buy with your first VHL check?

    Bought myself a home gym, gotta stay ready so I can be ready for next season

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