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Status Updates posted by Sixersfan594

  1. alright someone will need to help me out here. It's been a while 

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    2. DollarAndADream


      There is no VHLM training camp, but there is of course VHL training camp. You can't claim that of course until you're drafted to a VHL team next off-season. Even if you get drafted and play in the VHLM again, you can still claim VHL training camp after being drafted.


      Then, of course you can do your Biography for 10 TPE, and a Rookie Profile for 8 TPE.


      Also, it was announced around a month ago that reviewing is able to be done by anyone in the VHL. If you want, you can make a review log in the Into the Stands section, and claim up to 2 TPE per week from grading. You can choose either graphics or media, I don't remember which one you used to prefer. :P But like it used to be, 4 grades = 1 TPE. Bio's count as 2 grades, and so do podcasts.

    3. Sixersfan594


      Pretty sure non-carryover players get one or two double PT’s

    4. DollarAndADream


      Well, you can throw it in your update "New Player Doubles" or something, and see what happens with the update. If not, they'll just correct it for you.

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