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Edgy Mcedgelord

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Posts posted by Edgy Mcedgelord

  1. 13 minutes ago, Riley_Couture said:


    Welcome to the Halifax 21st Press Conference for the 14th - 20th December. Please remember that you only need to answer 6 questions to qualify for your 2 TPE.

    1. If you could change one thing within the league for the better, what would you do?
    2. When you initially joined Halifax, what did you player do during the scouting process to land the place on the team?
    3. Alternatively, if you were traded here, how did that work out for you?
    4. Does your player play video games in their spare time, if so what is their signature game?
    5. What would you say is your player's strongest attribute to the team at this moment in time?
    6. Has your player come into any other media oppurtunities since becoming well known in the Halifax area for playing on the ice?
    7. Has your player ever competed in any other kinds of competitions, other than Ice Hockey? Was it a team effort or did they go solo?
    8. What does your player do to give back to their community?

    1. Currently, I would honestly expand with a few new teams, making things more expansive




    2. I didnt really do anything special, just playes the best I can and hoped to get into the league




    4. Im a very big gamer. Dont really have a signature but mostly play Doom and GTA V currently




    5. Currently Im not the greatest I can be but my skill to pass the puck into the scorer can be my strenghti




    6. In halifax, no. But my old mate from England asked me to endorse his beer. I said no




    7. I used to play soccer as a kid and was pretty good at it. I was better in hockey though 




    8. I want to give halifax the best I can. I have tried volunteering in any activity I have been able to

  2. 1. Currently, I would honestly expand with a few new teams, making things more expansive


    2. I didnt really do anything special, just playes the best I can and hoped to get into the league


    4. Im a very big gamer. Dont really have a signature but mostly play Doom and GTA V currently


    5. Currently Im not the greatest I can be but my skill to pass the puck into the scorer can be my strenghti


    6. In halifax, no. But my old mate from England asked me to endorse his beer. I said no


    7. I used to play soccer as a kid and was pretty good at it. I was better in hockey though 


    8. I want to give halifax the best I can. I have tried volunteering in any activity I have been able to

  3. Welcome everyone, to the first episode of Edgy talk. I am your host, Edgy McEdgelord and I'm here today sitting down to talk, with one of the prospects from season 75 draft, Edward Kenway. Born in Manchester, UK, the man has been making himself a name around the world, with currently being ranked around 3rd to 4th round pick. Welcome, Edward Kenway. 


    Thank you for having me, its very humbling to be the first guest on this show. 


    So, Edward. Lets start with an easy one. What would be your goal in this league?


    Of course, Im going to answer with an easy one, which is going to be the best Left Winger in the league.  There are some amazing players already in the league and coming through minors, but I drive to be the best. I may be smaller than most players, but with my speed and scoring ability I drive to prove all my doubters wrong. 


    So, we can all be waiting to see you on the ice. On that note, Is there anything about a team you would want to draft you? 


    Honestly, I dont care. Whether its a team that's ready to bring the cup home or a team ready for the rebuild, I hope to be on a team that's ready to give me the opportunity to be one of the vital parts of that team. 


    Excellent anwser. How did you find  ice hockey to be the sport for you?


    Growing up in the UK, I saw many of my mates turn into football/soccer fans. I used to play with them, but it never felt right for me. My Father was a huge fan of Ice Hockey so growing up, it was a huge part of my life and I saw a lot of games, whether it was live or tv. He was and still is a huge fan of Finnish players, and teams. So me being drafted by Helsinki Titans would be his dream come true. We moved to a small town, which had an inside ring so he used to take me to play there. When I was 14, we moved to Russia where I got to play in junior teams and honed my craft. 


    That is extremely intresting. On a final note, is there anything you would like to say to the people listening to this interwiew?


    I just hope people listened to this, and taking my name into memory. I'll prove to be one of the gems from this draft.


    Thank you Edward Kenway. I am  Edgy McEdgelord, this was Edgy Talk. Join us next time with another interview. Thank you. 


  4. On 10/7/2020 at 11:41 PM, ColeMrtz said:



    Welcome to the VHL @Edgy Mcedgelord!

    My name is Cole, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds, and I'd like to offer you a position on our squad. We're a top contender in the league right now, hunting down the Halifax 21st for the Founder's Cup, and think you'll slot perfectly into our 3rd line. If you really put in the work you may even work onto our 2nd line! We have an incredibly welcoming and positive lockeroom to help get you started, so what are you waiting for? If you want to join the Hounds, quote this offer and say "Accept"!


    I gladly accept

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