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Everything posted by Ptyrell

  1. Machop lv 18 Gastly lv 21 - first throw! Onix lv 22
  2. Abra lv 18 (don't hurt me brother!) Jynx lv 18 Lapras lv 16 Despite just a 10% success rate, you catch Jynx on the first try! Whaaaaat?! After your second throw... Abra runs away! (Also a 10% chance) Lapras evaporates in the Sun You gain $335 Exeggutor gains 1 level
  3. Machop lv 13 Geodude lv 17 Gastly lv 20 Gastly tries licking meowth with no effect! Finally it realizes it should use Pursuit, but it is too late! 3 levels to Geodude Meowth and geodude trade hits. Geodude prevails. Gastly comes in to finish it off. Gastly gains 1 level Machop keeps swinging and missing g against Gastly. Gastly gains another level. You earn $358 Gastly evolves into Haunter! Geodude evolves into Graveler! At Cinnabar you find Ponyta lv 21 Ponyta lv 13 Ponyta lv 22 A whole flock!
  4. Eevee evolves into Espeon! Onix's Rock Slide is super effective against Gyarados.. but Hydro Pump is Uber effective! One hit KO! Poliwrath unleashes a fury of Punches and Hydro pumps to take out Gyarados. But Espeon cleans up with Psychic! Espeon gets of a good hit on Machamp, but then falls. Machamp can't shake a feeling of dread though.. Gastly has possessed it! Machamp has no way to fight back and is defeated. You've defeated Bruno! Ivysaur gains 14 levels! Ivysaur evolves into Venusaur!
  5. You find Eevee lv 15 Exeggcute lv 18 Abra lv 19
  6. Ponyta lv 21 Charmander lv 22 Ponyta lv 21 You catch ponyta on the first try! Umbreon and Wartortle have no troubles. Umbreon gains 2 level, and Wartortle gains 5! You gain $261 You evolve eevee into Glaceon!
  7. Eevee gains 3 levels You gain $325 You find.. Abra lv 18 (don't hurt me brother!) Jynx lv 18 Lapras lv 16
  8. You find Machop lv 18 Gastly lv 21 Onix lv 22
  9. Gastly lv 19 Onix lv 16 Onix lv 20 - caught You catch the other Onix on your 2nd throw. You've caught 4 fully evolved Rock Pokemon! Rhyhon smokes gastly and gains 1 level. You gain $106
  10. Ponyta gains 3 levels and you gain $402.
  11. Exeggute drains Onix and ends the battle at full HP! Poliwrath then begins punching and spewing water at Exeggcute, but not of his attacks are very effective! Poliwrath wins but with only 30 HP left. Raichu quickly ends him. Lastly Machamp takes out Raichu and face Gyarados. Machamp can't withstand the Hurricanes! You've defeated Bruno! Exeggute, Raichu, and Gyarados all gain 5 levels!
  12. You find.. Exeggcute lv 13 Exeggcute lv 20 Electabuzz lv 23
  13. Pikachu has no problems with the 3. You earn $352 and Pikachu gains 3 levels.
  14. At Cinnabar you find Growlithe lv 22 Ponyta lv 15 Charmander lv 21 A fairly strong group, but certainly no match for your Rhyhorn! Rhyhorn gains 3 levels. Rhyhorn evolves into Rhydon! You gain $390 At Mt Moon you find.. Gastly lv 19 Onix lv 16 Onix lv 20 How'd you do that? You catch the Onix on the first throw.
  15. Ponyta melts Glaceon easily but falls to Jynx Gengar and Jynx have a heated battle, but Gengar prevails barely Lapras takes out Gengar, but can't withstand the solar beams! You've defeated Lorelei! Ponyta gains 2 levels Gengar gains 5 levels Venusaur gains 5 levels
  16. You approach Agatha confidently. She sees you immediately. "Oh great, not this little bit-" You cut her off as you summon Poliwrath! Umbreon and Arbok both proceed to feel your Poliwrath. Gengar fights back but Gyarados finishes him off. You've defeated Agatha! Poliwrath gains 5 levels Gyarados gains 5 levels.
  17. Charmander lv 14 Charmander lv 23 Geodude lv 20 You catch Charmander on the first try! Wartortle easily beats the other two and gains 3 levels. You gain $240
  18. You earn $1347 and encounter.. Poliwag lv 14 Poliwag lv 14 Squirtle lv 20
  19. Onix lv 22 Geodude lv 13 Geodude lv 15 Razor Leaf destroys them all at 4x effectiveness! Gastly gains 7 levels. Gastly evolves into Haunter! You gain $355
  20. You earn $850! Hard days work! At Cinnabon you find.. Machop lv 13 Geodude lv 17 Gastly lv 20
  21. Electabuzz lv 15 Ekavs lv 14 Electabuzz lv 17 (EXP share Eevee)
  22. You buy a pass and head to Cinnabar Island. The captain looks at you confused, and wonders how you were able to ride the boat yesterday without a ticket... You find Charmander lv 14 Charmander lv 23 Geodude lv 20
  23. Golem solos the Electabuzz with 2 Earthquakes! 5 levels to Rhyhorn. You gain $500. You have almost $5000.
  24. At Mt Moon you find Geodude lv 19 Onix lv 14 Machop lv 16 Ivysaur defeats all 3 and gains 9 levels! You gain $346
  25. Venusaur makes it look easy! You also gain $500.
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