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Everything posted by Ptyrell

  1. You've got $237 remaining While fishing You catch.... Poliwag lv 18 Magikarp lv 20 Poliwag lv 14
  2. You catch magikarp and poliwag on the first try for both Bulbasaur Vine Whips Squirtle silly while Squirtle tries a combination of watering the plant and tackling it. Bulbasaur gains 5 levels and Evolves to Ivysaur! You gain $112! You earn $587 working You buy exp share and a great ball You encounter.... Onix lv 19 Geodude lv 14 Onix lv 19
  3. You earn almost the minimum $506 for working (lol wtf). You have $26 after your purchases. In the Safari Zone you discover... Dratini lv 12 Dratini lv 12 Exeggcute lv 15
  4. You have $40 remaining You encounter... Poliwag lv 11 Magikarp lv 18 Squirtle lv 20
  5. You make $532 working! You buy a fishing Rod for $100. You have $932 remaining. You fish and encounter.... Dratini lv 19 Poliwag lv 15 Magikarp lv 15
  6. You can only buy starter pokemon with the eggs, which does not include Abra currently (or other Psychic pokemon). Would you like to do something else?
  7. You earn $524 working! After buying 3 pokeballs you have $724 On route 1 you encounter... Bulbasaur lv 11 Ekans lv 20 Bellsprout lv 15
  8. You earn $645 working! After buying a Geodude egg you have $145 remaining. In Mt moon you encounter... Onix lv 11 Onix lv 10 Rhyhorn lv 11
  9. You catch Pikachu on your 6th try, and Meowth on your 2nd! Your lv 15 Charmander wisely uses on Ember against the Bellsprout who only ends up using Vine Whip. Charmander wins after 3 turns! For defeating a pokemon 5 levels higher, Charmander gains 5 levels! Charmander Evolves into Charmeleon! You earn $119 defeating Bellsprout
  10. You buy 2 greatballs and 1 pokeball for $460 Despite a 40% chance to catch Eevee. You use all 5 of your Pokeballs and are unsuccessful! Your luck this game...... Would you like to use your greatballs? I suppose you could battle it after if you ran out of balls, assuming it didn't run away.
  11. Since it doesn't take an action and you haven't already started throwing balls and then run out, I think it is ok if you want to buy some more. Just try not to make a habit of it. You catch Bellsprout on the first try!
  12. You earn $533 working! You have $1033 and 3 actions left. You buy an Exp share for $500. When exploring route 1 you come across... Eevee lv 17 Bellsprout lv 10 Pikachu lv 18 First pick which you would like to try catching. Then provide any battle instructions you'd like for the remaining.
  13. You earn $618 working! You have $1,118. You have 3 actions left. You buy 4 Pokeballs for $400. When exploring Route 1, you come across... Meowth, lv 15 Bellsprout, lv 20 Pikachu, lv 15 First pick which you would like to try catching. Then provide any battle instructions you'd like for the remaining.
  14. You gotta pick where you are exploring. Easiest place to see your options is the Regions tab on Discord
  15. "Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Ptyrell. People call me the random guy who plays forum games on VHL. This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokemon! For some people, Pokemon are pets. Other use them for fights. Myself... I make random Pokemon forum games. First, what is your name? Right! So your name is _____. This is my grandson. He's been your rival since you were a baby. ...Erm, what is his name again? That's right! I remember now! His name is _____. Your very own Pokemon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon awaits! Let's go!" Rivals: Ash @dlamb vs Gary @Lemorse7 Red @omgitshim vs Blue @Goliathus Professors: Prof Oak @JardyB10 and Prof Elm @Devise Gym Leaders: Brock @Berocka, Sabrina @Doomsday, and Koga @rory Team Rocket: Jesse @Enorama and James @Ricer13 Other: Officer Jenny @N0HBDY, Nurse Joy @Adrest245, and Bill @OrbitingDeath Game notes: First off, THANK YOU ALL for taking a chance on joining this game. I initially planned each day phase to take just 1 day and the night phases 1 night. We will start out that way, but if that ends up being too difficult for myself and @Gustav to mod or for the majority of players to get all their actions in, I may extend the days to be 2 days each. Remember to post your day actions here, and night actions in your Discord channel. If you have any questions, please ask. Day 1 Begins!
  16. I just added a quickstart guide to the beginning of the rules for people who would prefer to just jump in and try it.
  17. I think the actual gameplay is simple. I was just being.. thorough... my goal was a game that was easy to play but had room for complexity and strategy.
  18. After being inspired by the excellent work put into Town of Gotham and Town of London, I started to work on my own version of a forum/Discord community game with a Pokémon theme. Town of Pallet! Rather than remaining a social deduction game, it evolved into it's own creation. Instead of players getting eliminated, everyone will participate daily and work on getting stronger until the final tournament at the end. To learn how to play... Rules If you are interested, please post below to sign up! Then join the Discord. I'm also looking for 1-3 people to help moderate the game. This is essential to make the game run smoothly. And to blatantly plagiarize Gustav... There's Trivia! Target start date will be Saturday. Looking for 8-16 players for this game. Game theoretically should last 7 days + 2 days for the final tournament. If a lot of people sign up or if I am not able to get moderating help, I may extend the day phases to 2 days, making the game last 14 days + 2.
  19. This doesn't surprise me, if hatty is right about you
  20. Doom gave a weak claim in jail. Then on n2 when everyone else thought jhatty was protected by crusader because of what Eagles said, mafia attacked jhatty. Only Doom knew that there wasn't a crusader on hatty. So mafia knowing means Doom likely is mafia and told them. My personal theory to take it a step further, is that Doom is hypnotist. This is why there was nothing weird n1, then I was hypnotized n2. And if that is true, voting him would also vindicate me I realize. Unvote Judas Vote Doom Need 4 more and I see 4 online right now.
  21. A. We know mafia has another role not yet discovered. We know it isn't likely ambusher, blackmailed, consort, janitor, mafioso. Could very very easily be hypnotist. And in fact it IS hypnotist because I was hypnotized. B. They had to target a nonmafia target. Why they picked me, I don't know. Maybe they thought people wouldn't believe me when I said I was controlled? Or maybe it was just random, and you guys would have done this lynch crusade on whichever poor bastard they targeted and it just happened to be me. C. Control was the only good option hypno had. CL was revealed n1, and we had a transporter openly stating their moves. There are no other good hypno choices. So no it is not extremely unlikely that these happened. It actually is both likely and TRUE
  22. @jhatty8 what is the rationale for not voting Judas or Doom
  23. 1. Because nobody has attacked the jailor. 2. Extremely unlikely for mafia to hypnotize someone? How is it extremely unlikely?? This makes no sense 3. Omg said himself he hasn't been paying attention today
  24. You know what's the only thing worse than doing nothing in a day? Voting out a townie when there is an obvious better target.
  25. Here's a crazy idea.. how about we vote Judas who we know is evil? Instead of voting the only TP on our jailor?
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