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Everything posted by Ptyrell

  1. Or if jailor dies before I do
  2. I'm easy to confirm. This is n4 so PM will only have the kill potion. If I'm not seen on jailor, and there is a kill elsewhere, then I'm PM
  3. What is more likely? That I'm the PM who is healing/investigating the confirmed jailor, or that mafia has a hypnotist that was jailed or afk n1.
  4. Last night I was seriously thinking about healing omg, but was hoping he would start swapping himself
  5. I'm the DOCTOR. I've been on jailor all game. I've been seen going there. I've voted against Coven and SK. I've called out mafia members. Ive been active all game. What more do you people want from me???
  6. Judas isn't the LO claim, and Eagles is likely exing him tonight
  7. That's a good call out...
  8. Thank you Please can we vote the obvious evil guy now? Vote Judas
  9. Wait @Frozen Block was the LO claim. Where you at.
  10. @Judas Graves I need you to be LO and to confirm me as doc. where you at bro
  11. Doesn't mean it isn't true
  12. Lol Omg always thinks Doom and I are evil
  13. I literally called rory Coven leader in my post. Don't think I'd do that if I was Coven. I also was one of the early ones to vote for Medusa. And if we really do have a LO, they will confirm I've been on jailor every night. It is just as likely that there is a framer as there is a hex master. Doom calling out a hex master and not a framer further supports the idea that he is mafia. And the fact that he is denying a hypnotist. And the fact that mafia attacked the confirmed Medium on the night that the Crusader Doom was fake supposed to be protecting him. Likely hypnotist was converted to mafioso after GF died n2. Pretty clearly explains everything
  14. You're chasing threads instead of looking at the obvious info in front of you
  15. @jhatty8 any info from the grave? Still thinking there is a consig? @Judas Graves @Frozen Block need results
  16. In case I die tonight, I want to also say that if anyone gets controlled from now on but DOESNT get attacked, we know that it wasn't CL because CL would now have the necronomicon. Or more likely, Every control from now on will be accompanied with an attack.
  17. It's the prison where they only built one cell for some reason.
  18. If that were the case, wouldn't someone have told him to log into the forum to defend himself?
  19. Well if he is town, all the more reason
  20. Right this is why I think we should be voting rory and not someone afk. Gives us more info
  21. I was controlled last night. Or at least I received a message that I was. So rory could still be the CL and I was hypnotized, I'm not sure. I'm doc and went on Eagles n1, so I have no way to know what I did last night. I just caught up reading everything and wanted to point something out. Eagles faked calling his n1 jailee (Doom) a crusader to give hatty free protection. However it Didn't Work. Hatty was still attacked by the GF. This would only make sense if the mafia knew that hatty actually wouldn't be protected by the crusader. Or in other words, Doom would have to be mafia, and that is why mafia knew Doom wasn't crusader. But I say this without knowing his claim to jailor. What do you think @Squidward? I think we have better targets than a blind silent player. But I'll go with it for now in case I am not back on before voting. Vote Goli
  22. Actually nvm. That would pretty much confirm them as not being crusader though.
  23. Unless of course they were lying and use that info to kill hatty...
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