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Everything posted by Adrest245

  1. Yes I have access because I'm the other jailor. Thanks for outing me anyways someone protect me. Cant lose 2 jailors
  2. G- Tobias Reinhart @TheNeonShaman
  3. D - Rolf Fizzlebeef Jr D - Robin Galante Nilsson @TheNeonShaman
  4. F - Paul Atreides F - Anze Miklavz @TheNeonShaman
  5. @MMFLEX how come you did a night action on spartan and now hes dead?
  6. Adrest is a dumbass and didnt know what his role was till he finally got a hit on you.
  7. Alright I guess I'll claim now. Im GCPD Surveillance n1 Targeting Goli. Took no night action n2 Target Scoop. Took no night action n3 Target Spartan. Your target DID take a Night Action last night. Your target used their Night Action on Berocka! No clue if this is helpful, but just wanted to share and put forward my results
  8. Anyone got any useful info?
  9. 100% on the same boat as you
  10. Adrest245

    DAV/RIG; S83

    Never can go wrong with me
  11. Good stuff. Looks really well. Though I have some criticism. The render is kind of fuzzy with the effects. Maybe simmer down on the effects and it can be good. Text is also kinda hard to see, It took me a long, and i mean a long time to see what that said. It doesnt work well with the BG color. Overall, its not bad, but I od think it can be improved a tad bit. 7.5/10 @STZ
  12. Kobe the goat. Love this amazing graphic. The player is the focal point of this graphic which is why I think it is made really well. Some crtiques I can make though, make the more clearly to see. Its a little hard, change the color as I think this would make the text stick out rather than stay back. I like how the logo is blended in though. Maybe move it over to the left side because that right side of the background looks really cool. Let us see the whole thing. But anyways, this is absolutely amazing. And im glad you are making graphics again. 9/10. Great work and look to see more from you! @Vkobe-v hi
  13. Hello. I am Adrest, some of you may know me from my role in VHLs sister leagues. I've been an Head Coach in the SBAs Minor and currently serving as the GM for a SBA Team in the Boston Minutemen. I'm also a current Athletic Director for a ECFA team which is the Minors in the EFL. Some of yall may have never heard about me and that's fine because I am only active on VHL Forums for ToS. I wanted to talk a bit about the VHL and my experience in it. I like it, even though I do not understand hockey and havent watched for 6 years, I like the VHL. A great fun community who always help when needed. Im still confused about somethings but I think I have been in the Minors and about to be drafted to the Majors but play in the middle one (forgot the name). I like that, it helps newer players at least get some playing time without being stuck on the bench. As for me, I was blessed with one amazing Coach in 16z. 16 helped me so much, gave me constant reminders to upgrade, and told me where to spend my TPE when I claimed affliate. I want a GM like that, someone who tells me to upgrade when I haven't and telling me where to spend because tbh I have no idea what the attributes are. But apparently some attrbutes were taken away, dont know too much about it. Still, I got all 0s. So any GM who takes me, you can build me however you want. But yeah in general, I like the VHL, even though I dont what I am doing, I like it, and I like the people here. Great people and you will definately see more of me. That's all here, thanks for reading!
  14. 1. Work hard and we got this! 2. Great Careers in Moscow, wish them the best 3. Great additions. Gonna be fun to see how they do 4. Im waiting to be drafted! 5. Nah not following it 6. Im waiting on being drafted so my new coach/gm can tell me how to build
  15. Yeah NSG might be on the evil side. Vote NSG.
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