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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. A bit of a late announcement, but this season's trade deadline for the VHL and VHLM will be on Saturday, June 14, 6:00pm Redneck Farmer Time, which is like 8:00pm EST or whatever. Those who wish to retire and recreate for the S40 Entry Draft may do so right NOW. In fact, as many of you already know, you could have done this since Monday. Happy day!
  2. Most people agree that it's a temporary thing, what with ADWD SPOILERS
  3. While I give mine a hard time, I suppose it really isn't all that bad either. I have been pretty hard on it for the past 5.5 years, and it still serves. But the hard drive melting down for no reason after two wasn't very pleasant.
  4. He dropped the ASUS to $500 so I came, then bought it. He was ready to drop it again due to its lack of warranty, but I'm arguably kind of stupid and didn't let him. I feel like I got a hell of a deal as it is. And I think I might use my old one as designated simtop. Or maybe mount its hard drive for same purpose.
  6. Hey friends and foes. I need a new laptop because my current one is probably going to explode soon. It has a laundry list of things wrong with it, including: - Battery is p much fucked - USB ports are slow and sometimes unresponsive - It's almost six years old, and runs any relatively new games like shit - It recently started making funny noises sometimes and it gets hot for no particular reason - It's an HP. Once upon a time the hard drive died for like, no reason, which may have killed or severely injured the VHL had the stars not aligned a few days earlier. All in all, pretty old and outdated. It has served it's original purpose and run its course. What I now want is something that can handle some light gaming, but also last me preferably another five years. Minimum 4 GB RAM and can run Skyrim and The Sims 4 like a boss. I recently won $300 for doing an engineering survey, so I'm looking for one in the $500-$700 range. Don't tell me to get a Macbook or I will ban you on grounds of stupidity. Unless you can specifically point me to one that fills all my requirements, which, spoiler alert, I extremely highly doubt you can. Because Apple is terrible. frescoelmo recommends I get a Chromebook. I'm more tempted toward THIS though, since it's apparently brand new, but I'm not sure how great a deal it is because I know less than Jon Snow. So is that ASUS a pretty good deal? Do you recommend something better? Halp pls and thx Love, Jardy EDIT: Another potentially decent Kijiji deal? 5-Month Old Samsung
  7. Literally everything will happen next episode.
  8. The main thing for the plot is that they fended off the Southern wildling flank. It was an unreal episode, after five minutes it was just straight intensity the rest of the way through. BUT THEY KILLED PYP AND GRENN! :'(
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