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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Damn, only one goal in this farce
  2. Yeehaw I made it! Don't want waste battery posting them though, so anyone can feel free to do that. It's too bad, I was planning on updating a conference tonight... Oh well
  3. Hey y'all, I just got in from seeding all day and our power just went out because it's starting to storm here. My laptop's battery is too fucked for me to be able to hotspot and sim without it dying. In fact I'm surprised I was even able to upload the league file and write this post. Anyway, unless Higgins comes on again tonight, there probably won't be a sim, unless the power comes back on in an hour-ish. Sorry, and thanks for understanding. EDIT: I'm actually going to try to sim and upload despite what I just wrote. No promises though.
  4. I'd say it necroscalated. "Don't call someone a Nazi." *Three weeks later...* "Wait, why?"
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